Read the last paragraph first in mainstream stories about anti-vax tragedies.
The story of Ray DeMonia is floating around social media. The short version is that the Alabama man had a heart attack, but it took so long for his family to find a hospital with a cardiac ICU bed (because they were all occupied by people who hadn’t gotten the COVID vaccine) that he died.
An NPR story clarifies that this was the explanation his family wrote into his obituary. What’s remarkable is that this was left to the very end of a relatively long news article:
A Cullman Regional Medical Center spokesperson, who declined to give specifics of DeMonia’s case citing privacy concerns, confirmed to NPR that DeMonia was transferred from CRMC, but said the reason was that he required “a higher level of specialized care not available” at the hospital.
Wait for facts, folks. The lost credibility of public health officials and vax advocates is hurting the cause of vaccination.