Coventry High School goes back to remote and early release. Are they nuts?
Alexa Gagosz is reporting in the Boston Globe that an increase in “positive cases” is sending Coventry High School into remote classes through Tuesday, followed by a schedule that closes the building at 12:30 starting Thursday until further notice. (They already had Wednesday off.) Here’s the letter from the district.
Come on, folks. It’s time for parents to start being up in arms and for taxpayers to start demanding refunds for the services the schools are refusing to provide.
According to state data, Coventry is the 11th most-vaccinated municipality, at 65%. We know for certain that young people are less likely to have serious effects from COVID and that the risks to vaccinated people are extremely small. We also know for certain that everybody who attends or works in the high school is eligible for vaccination, which means that they (or their parents) are deliberately accepting the risk of remaining unvaccinated. (Exceptional cases cannot be our rule.)
We’ve reached the point that these actions are outrageous. It’s time for rational, non-superstitious people to begin insisting that fearful residents and CYA bureaucrats stop setting the standard for policy.