“Equity” hurts vulnerable people.

Imagine taking successful schools away from children and their families in the name of a cult-like belief like “equity”:

MailOnline: Chicago's progressive Mayor Brandon Johnson announces plans to ax Windy City's high-achieving selective-enrollment high schools to boost 'equity' despite promising not to during election campaign

I know an education student who had the opportunity to be paid much-needed income from a school that would satisfy her final requirement for a degree, but her college told her she couldn’t. Other students aren’t being paid, so it wouldn’t be “equitable” to allow her.  Meanwhile, the elementary school in question is having trouble finding teachers and substitutes.

Whether this reflects a progressive social-death cult or the cultish beliefs are cover for corruption in an insider system doesn’t much matter.  A civilization that actively prevents people from maximizing their productivity is doomed to fail.

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Tom Letourneau
Tom Letourneau
1 year ago

Too, too, much today being done, almost solely, under the guise of Equity!! It very much ‘Out-of-Control’ when implementation are under the umbrella of Radical, Leftist, Woke, Progressives and Black’s!

Last edited 1 year ago by Tom Letourneau

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