We have to tell the young that America just about had the racial division beat.
Hard to believe it was 16 years ago America elected Barack Obama to the presidency. In office, he did, indeed, usher in a revolution in American politics and society, and 16 years is many years of people coming of age without really knowing what things were like before the event. Cynical Publius tells the truth:
In 2008 America was as close as it would ever be to stamping out its original sin of racism. American brotherhood and sisterhood without regard for race was in sight. It had been a long, hard slog, but we could see the finish line.
Then Barack Obama got elected and he set out, quite deliberately and with malice aforethought, to drive racial wedges in our society at every turn. Why? Because Democrats gain and maintain power by pitting identity groups against each other. Obama knew this and he set back race relations to the 1970s. It was a crime–maybe not a legal crime, but surely a moral crime.
American has not yet recovered, in large part because Obama’s Fascist Democrat devotees truly learned the power of divisiveness.
Divisive, racialist ideas had been cultivated on American campuses, and the Obama years set the virus loose, setting race relations back decades for electoral gain. Such a shameful organization is the Democrat Party. One can only hope history will be wise enough to look back unkindly on its followers.