We need to get back to a society of mutual respect…

… but it’ll require a turn away from progressives’ insistence that everything must be politics.  This clip of Eric Weinstein and Nicole Shanahan discussing the “mind control at scale” we’re seeing at the national level is worth the four minutes of your time.

It’s not only that our system has been coopted by the gaslighters, but also that it has been restructured to punish truth telling.  One way in which this is true, as Weinstein points out, is by refusing to exonerate those who were attacked for telling the truth even when the lie blows up.  (His prime example is the “Joe Biden is just fine” lie.)

I can’t help but see a common thread with Democrats’ shameful whitewashing of COVID so they can take credit for the economic improvement that came inevitably after unlocking the economic door.  A healthy society would have a tacit agreement not to seize on such dire circumstances for cynical political gain, but a healthy society wouldn’t serve the progressive Democrat Party.  Indeed, one could easily foresee during the 2020 election that one reason they were so desperate to cheat and win was that they knew the economic recovery would be an easy talking point.

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