You can tell we’ve inadequately educated our population about fascism…
… by the discomfiting fascist, Orwellian tone of this campaign from supposed good-government-group Common Cause RI:
It’s bad enough on its face, but it’s worse when you break down the manipulative message. First, Common Cause wants you to believe that you can instantly identify “disinformation about voting.” Next, the organization asserts that you have a responsibility to act against it. The first step in doing so is to help censor it by failing to “engage, react, or comment.” Instead, you’re to run to the nearest authority — Common Cause — in order to file a report.
And who are these authorities? That’s the curious part. Common Cause RI has been a leading force in our state creating regulatory barriers to civic engagement, with the excuse of providing voters with information about who’s supporting candidates and causes. Yet, the ReportDisinfo About page is laughably sparse. There’s a box on the bottom that looks like a button, saying “Paid for by Common Cause Education Fund,” but it’s not a button. You’d have to investigate even that.
There’s little doubt in my mind that Common Cause RI will be onboard someday when progressives start rounding people up for wrongthink.
“Disinformation” is not actually an English word, but a transliteration of the Russian “dezinformatsiya”. Coined by the KGB as part of their propaganda war against the West. We have no need of it, as we are in possession of the perfectly serviceable Anglo-Saxonism “lies”.