In Depth
Host Susan Orban discusses the mental health of children and how books can help with Louise Kiessling and Andrea Martin.
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the discouraging news in RI and the solution.
Host Richard August covers a variety of issues with Rhode Island Congressional candidate Seth Magaziner.
A handful of very active people who don’t understand how a policy works can do a great deal of damage, which is an outcome we should be discouraging rather than encouraging.
John DePetro and Justin Katz go over the news of the week in Rhode Island politics.
Host Darlene D’Arezzo discusses developments in mental health with Mike Cerullo.
John Loughlin speaks with Dr. Tim Shafman about cancer and Glenn Valentine of the RI Firearm Owners League about the prospect (and legality) of proposed gun regulation
John DePetro and Justin Katz talk about Ocean State and national politics.
Host Richard August speaks with Robert Lancia about his prior and current runs for Rhode Island’s second district Congressional seat.
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss manipulation of the Census numbers (and the population) and whether RI’s electoral system can be trusted.