
A water drop and ripples

Here’s a logical ruler for assessing the likelihood between Hamas and Israel when it comes to the hospital bombing.

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2023 |

Hamas executed a brutal sneak attack with no declaration of war against innocent people in their homes and at a music festival.  The big complaint against Israel’s response, recently, has been that one day was not enough warning for people to evacuate an area they were planning to attack after a declaration of war. Which…

A water drop and ripples

Miserable RICAS scores won’t mean any response from Rhode Island.

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2023 |

Dan McGowan notes that new standardized test scores are out for Rhode Island public schools, and they’re not good. Elsewhere, he finds a silver lining in the fact that English-language learners do better at English and are nearly caught up in math, but it seems like an indication of how poorly the schools are doing…

A water drop and ripples

This is too little too late from the likes of Jha.

By Justin Katz | October 16, 2023 |

Nonetheless, it’s worth noting this mild corrective from Brown University’s Dr. Ashish Jha on Newsmakers, as summarized in a recent “Nesi’s Notes” column: “I think we all in public health could have done a better job of communicating with more humility about what we knew and didn’t know. There was a desire by some people to…

A water drop and ripples

Education is the place to start trying to fix what’s wrong in RI and America.

By Justin Katz | October 13, 2023 |

As people newly look up from their lives to wonder about the craziness with which we’re surrounded — from collegiate support for Hamas to economic ignorance to scientific illiteracy to an inability to grapple with logic — they should turn their gaze toward our schools. Consider this recent Boston Globe column from Dan McGowan: The state’s most…

A water drop and ripples

The impulse to invert the report of 40 babies with their heads cut off story is shocking.

By Justin Katz | October 11, 2023 |

True enough that it’s important to be skeptical of all reports, particularly the most horrific, at a time like this, but still… there is an air around some of those insisting that the story is not yet verified that implies if this story isn’t true, the whole atrocity is not that bad.  Psychologically, they seem…

A water drop and ripples

If strange or silent responses from progressives about Hamas’s atrocities seem odd…

By Justin Katz | October 10, 2023 |

… the explanation might be more than silent discomfort with a faction of their tribe’s doing something nakedly evil.  To progressives, this sort of thing must happen and is expected.  Maybe they find it lamentable (or maybe not), but they see it as inevitable on the path to their vision of justice. Tom Holland argues,…

A water drop and ripples

What’s the outrage standard we should apply to video of Biden kicking his dog?

By Justin Katz | October 7, 2023 |

I ask because that looks pretty clearly to be what happens in the video attached to this tweet: Given some online interactions, I’m not even sure Democrat partisans are psychologically capable of seeing the kick — as if it’s one of those optical illusions that some people just don’t process. I suppose the best-case scenario…

A water drop and ripples

Don’t let the Connecticut mail ballot fraud slip out of awareness.

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2023 |

I mentioned to Mike Stenhouse on an episode of In the Dugout that will air soon that the danger of mail ballots may only be resolved when powerful people begin to worry that they won’t be better at it than their opposition.  That’s why it’s important to increase awareness of videos like this, from Connecticut: I…

A water drop and ripples

RI still has the worst roads. What happened to RhodeWorks?

By Justin Katz | October 3, 2023 |

Remember when then-Governor Gina Raimondo (a Democrat, if that needs saying) insisted we needed truck tolls to fund her RhodeWorks program to finally fix the state’s infrastructure?  Well… As with the state’s pension system — which the state went right back to reamortizing as soon as Raimondo left her treasurer role — she’s a master…

A water drop and ripples

There’s a great retro-80s movie plot in this.

By Justin Katz | October 2, 2023 |

Underdog sports team hires a beautiful and pop star with a surprising soft side to pretend to date one of its players to boost its ratings, and they wind up falling in love.