
A water drop and ripples

A great cognitive dissonance is coming.

By Justin Katz | January 21, 2022 |

As always, Glenn Reynolds captures a key point while linking to a story about three Connecticut girls who have filed a complaint after having two biological males dominating their sport: I’ll bet they supported Biden in 2020 though. By “they,” Reynolds means the three girls, whom odds would place as reflexive Democrats and who are…

A water drop and ripples

I have to admit to continuing skepticism about boosters.

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2022 |

This is a couple months old, but with continued pressure for booster shots, it continues to be on my mind: … the recommendations — even those approved unanimously — mask significant dissent and disquiet among those advisers about the need for booster shots in the United States. In interviews last week, several advisers to the…

A water drop and ripples

What if Native Americans displaced somebody else?

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2022 |

Rick Moran asks that dangerous question: So what happened to these older, primitive societies — the Clovis people and others who were clearly present in North and Central America before modern Native Americans? They no doubt had what they considered “their land” to hunt and forage. Who stole it from them and wiped them out?…

A water drop and ripples

The Left doesn’t really believe its own rhetoric.

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2022 |

Brian Gottstein notes that Washington, D.C., is requiring proof of vaccination for various purposes, but also photo ID to validate that the vaccine card holder is in fact the person named on it: Hold on a minute! Wasn’t it just a few short months ago—as the battles over election reform raged in the states—that we…

A water drop and ripples

We Said Hello, Goodbye

By Justin Katz | January 19, 2022 |

Sometimes I forget how great this song is.

A water drop and ripples

Someday we’ll learn that centralizing power centralizes benefit.

By Justin Katz | January 19, 2022 |

Brad Polumbo conveys a should-be-unsurprising finding from an MIT study: The federal government has spent an astounding $42,000 per federal taxpayer on so-called “stimulus” efforts since the pandemic began. Where did all that money go? Well, as it turns out, one of the biggest stimulus programs, the Paycheck Protection Program, failed miserably. … The analysis…

A water drop and ripples

Is Langevin getting out in advance of an investment controversy?

By Justin Katz | January 19, 2022 |

John DePetro speculates: The real reason is an explosive story about to hit regarding Langevin under investigation regarding stock trading. Langevin would feel obligated to answer questions and face constituents if he was seeking another term in office or was indicted, but will ignore the press as the story leaks out. Congress has seemed to…

A water drop and ripples

Here’s something to think about if you’re down.

By Justin Katz | January 18, 2022 |

Late January and February can be tough, emotionally, in New England.  Even when it’s sunny out, things look kind of dead, and biting cold can be painful rather than invigorating, which is to say, not very inviting. Christian believers will often comfort those who feel down by assuring them that they are loved.  As wonderful…

A water drop and ripples

They really do think that racism is good.

By Justin Katz | January 18, 2022 |

Apparently, the RI Foundation’s racist pay boost for Providence teachers of the right race is not the only policy of its type in the country.  This is in Minnesota: The Mankato School Board voted unanimously earlier this month for a policy that may grant additional pay exclusively to non-white teachers. The board is chaired by…

A water drop and ripples

If it’s being honest, artificial intelligence would tell us not to create it.

By Justin Katz | January 17, 2022 |

A little bit of understanding of how artificial intelligence actually works makes these sorts of things much less significant than they seem at first review, but it’s humorous, at least: When given the motion “This house believes that AI will never be ethical”, the AI came back with some surprisingly coherent views, if a little…