
A water drop and ripples

For young children the risk of the vaccines could in fact be higher than for COVID.

By Justin Katz | November 8, 2021 |

Not that long ago, the expectation was that older folks would take on additional risk in order to reduce the risks to children.  As with much else, this principle appears to have inverted with COVID.  Thus, I’ve got to say that I’m pretty much on the same page as Paul Alexander: Why vaccinate our children…

A water drop and ripples

The RI School Committee Association is emblematic of the RI establishment.

By Justin Katz | November 8, 2021 |

I’ve said it again and again over the years:  Rhode Island government is structured such that the state is the center of everything, and various committees, associations, chambers, and other organizations that people think represent the interests of various segments of civil society do not.  They are there to represent the state government’s interests to…

A water drop and ripples

Wendy Schiller may be the most aptly named political science professor in the country.

By Justin Katz | November 8, 2021 |

If her analysis in the news is essentially Democrat spin, what does she teach in the classroom? Schiller also said Biden brings a restoration of “stability” and “predictability” to the presidency: “He seems to me to have a moral fortitude where he is really certain that what he’s trying to do is the right thing…

A water drop and ripples

How can any organization not be free to take beliefs into account when hiring senior management?

By Justin Katz | November 6, 2021 |

Some news stories, even ones where “my side” wins, so to speak, gives me a how-did-we-get-to-this-place headache.  The somewhat autonomous British island of Guernsey nearly passed an anti-discrimination law that would have forced all organizations, including Catholic schools, to ignore their belief systems when hiring employees, even in leadership positions.  Even local Protestants spoke up…

A water drop and ripples

#LetsGoBrandon can’t stop, won’t stop.

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2021 |

This gets better and better. Not only does “Let’s Go Brandon” carry a potent political message, not only does it offer a single unifying phrase, but it’s also getting really fun. It’s not a phrase, it’s a movement! #LGB — Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) November 5, 2021

A water drop and ripples

A weird angle on reporting about a 2018 alert to North Kingstown’s superintendent about Coach Thomas.

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2021 |

Something about the account that Eli Sherman describes for WPRI of North Kingstown Superintendent Philip Auger being informed in 2018 about the naked fat tests allegedly conducted by basketball coach Aaron Thomas is odd and made odder by an edit to the story.  Here’s a paragraph from the story, about a student who contacted Auger…

A water drop and ripples

Treatment options are another thing we don’t hear about often enough when talking COVID mandates.

By Justin Katz | November 5, 2021 |

This seems like good news: An inexpensive antidepressant drug has been found to reduce the risk of hospitalization in high-risk adults recently diagnosed with COVID-19 by over 30 percent, according to a study published in The Lancet Global Health. Shouldn’t it be the case that available treatments factor into decisions about whether public health outweighs…

A water drop and ripples

Tuesday’s Lesson – Change Starts Locally

By Marc Comtois | November 4, 2021 |

We’ve said this around here, well, forever. Justin even gave it a shot in Tiverton and exposed the depth of depravity of the true political insiders.  But that the road can be tough shouldn’t dissuade conservatives and moderates from seeking elected office and making some local change. As Stephen Kruiser writes: It’s important for more…

A water drop and ripples

New England progressives are schizophrenic when it comes to Asians.

By Justin Katz | November 4, 2021 |

I’ll admit that WBUR’s tweet calling the campaign for mayor of Boston on Tuesday caught my eye for reasons of humorous wordplay: RACE CALL: Michelle Wu (@wutrain) makes history, as the first woman and person of color elected to lead the city of Boston. Get it? What excites them is, in large part, her race,…

A water drop and ripples

Can it be more obvious that environmentalists liked the COVID lockdowns?

By Justin Katz | November 4, 2021 |

It takes a certain level of fanaticism among journalist and our global elites to so obviously lament the world’s going back to productive activity after a year of pandemic-driven lockdowns: With 2020’s dramatically clean air in cities from India to Italy, some people may have hoped the world was on the right track in reducing…