Justin Katz
I thought this sentence was a parody — or at least a cynical paraphrase — when I first saw it on Instapundit, but it’s an actual quote from a news story: Record low unemployment across parts of the West has created tough working conditions for business owners, who in places are being forced to boost…
Marc — Of course your children don’t see you as untrustworthy, and of course, you haven’t taught them to. But about whom are we speaking? I referred to “cultural truisms.” Although I do so very hesitantly, let’s put aside the possibility that the do-gooders would treat you no differently, with respect to your own children,…
Some comments from Michael, of Rescuing Providence, touch on basic differences of assumptions and perspectives. The first was to my “Proud to Be Non-Union” post: I never expected the folks here at Anchor Rising to be pro-union, but the depth of misunderstanding concerning organized labor and the willingness to serve as lackeys to powerful corporate…
There is reason for concern, Marc, that in your statement of the trade-off as between your “peace of mind” and “the safety of [your] kids” on one side and “being presumed a predator” on the other, you are missing negatives to the former and exaggerating the benefits of the latter. Arguably, the price of your…
Here’s a lesson in the proper application of the word “unscrupulous” for Charlene Lima: Unscrupulous vendors in Thailand have been selling meat of the deadly puffer fish disguised as salmon, causing the deaths of more than 15 people over the past three years, a doctor said Thursday. Clearly those vendors need increased fines and a…
Perhaps I’m just noticing examples more, of late, but there seems to be an increasing stream of worrying news items, such as the following, coming out of Russia: Russia’s armed forces chief of staff on Thursday described as “hallucinations” Georgia’s claim that Russian warplanes had violated its border on Tuesday, Interfax news agency reported. Georgia,…
There’s something fun about this, but there’s also something just a bit creepy, too: Our fourth Mp3 Experiment was our biggest mission to date. 826 people downloaded the same mp3, pressed play at the same time, and had a blast together on Lower Manhattan’s beautiful waterfront. The video brings to mind the solitude in a…
Victor Davis Hanson takes a worthy (albeit brief) look at modern education and makes some suggestions: We should first scrap the popular therapeutic curriculum that in the scarce hours of the school day crams in sermons on race, class, gender, drugs, sex, self-esteem, or environmentalism. These are well-intentioned efforts to make a kinder and gentler…
Perhaps for the sake of being clever, John Derbyshire ignores a thing that is very odd for a conservative writer to ignore. Granted, the related twofold goals of his review of Robert Spencer’s book Religion of Peace? — Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t give him a narrow context in which to work. It would…
New Hampshire employs more public employees per citizen than Rhode Island does — so explained the Rhode Island NEA’s Bob Walsh in a comment to this post: Mike – Well, I am not a Marxist (unless Groucho counts) but I assume you know by now that the “New Hampshire” miracle is really the New Hampshire…