Justin Katz

Something to Ponder over Christmas Break

By Justin Katz | December 9, 2004 | Comments Off on Something to Ponder over Christmas Break

In a move that is surprisingly redolent of politics as usual, the Student Organization Advisory and Review Committee of the University of Rhode Island Student Senate threw a controversial proposal into the agenda of the senate’s final meeting that delayed the re-recognition of student groups until next semester, according to The Good 5¢ Cigar: A…

Degrees of Separation

By Justin Katz | December 8, 2004 |

The alarm siren that this news sets off should be audible as distantly as Hawaii: Superior Court Judge Netti Vogel last week issued a permanent injunction blocking the state’s three-year agreement with United. United rival Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island had sought the injunction, claiming the state’s handling of the bids was…

Anchor in the Update

By Justin Katz | December 8, 2004 | Comments Off on Anchor in the Update

Thanks to Dave Talan for including a mention of Anchor Rising in the latest edition of his R.I. Republican Update email. The blurb is about “the relatively new occurrence” of the blog movement. Talan also mentions Chuck Nevola’s The Senescent Man (as well as Dust in the Light and The Ocean State Blogger). There aren’t…

Taxation Without Representation… or Even Personhood

By Justin Katz | December 6, 2004 | Comments Off on Taxation Without Representation… or Even Personhood

Robert Whitcomb’s writing, as much as conservatives might find to disagree with, is refreshing for the simple fact that he obviously thinks things through and is willing to take an unpopular position when his thinking demands it: Corporate-income taxes — local, state or federal — are absurd, and should be abolished. I say that as…

Ethics Rules and the Missing Factoid

By Justin Katz | December 6, 2004 | Comments Off on Ethics Rules and the Missing Factoid

Glen Peck of Barrington thinks that: House Republicans have done something truly appalling. They’ve knocked down a Republican House ethics rule that banned House members from holding leadership positions if they’ve been indicted on felony charges. They did it on behalf of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R.-Texas). … This is no mere act of…

Science (and Religion) Beyond Evolution

By Justin Katz | December 3, 2004 |

I chuckled when I read Tom LeBlanc’s letter in the Projo (which Marc mentions in the previous post). The idea that the Theory of Evolution can accord with religious faith in God is only “groundbreaking” from the perspective of scientists. If the Judeo-Christian conception of God is more or less correct, then it must be…

An Obvious Plan?

By Justin Katz | December 2, 2004 | Comments Off on An Obvious Plan?

I only caught a few minutes of his radio show while I rushed around, but Dan Yorke seems to think it’s obvious that Jim Taricani tried to give Bevilacqua up in his “by chance” meeting with FBI agent Dennis Aiken… without actually giving him up. If that’s the case, I agree with Yorke that Taricani’s…

The Safety Net Industry

By Justin Katz | December 2, 2004 | Comments Off on The Safety Net Industry

It might surprise North Providence social worker Don Jackson and his ilk that I take seriously my duty to follow President Kennedy’s famous imploration and ask what I can do for my country, and for all of humanity. It might surprise the entire field of professional social workers to hear that I don’t believe myself…

Shifting Objectives (?)

By Justin Katz | December 1, 2004 | Comments Off on Shifting Objectives (?)

Frankly, I just don’t know what to make of this: … special prosecutor Marc DeSisto says in court papers filed this morning that Bevilacqua never asked Taricani to keep his identity confidential and that the defense lawyer urged the reporter more than 2 1/2 years ago to tell DeSisto that he was his source. ……

The Spare-Time Revolution

By Justin Katz | December 1, 2004 | Comments Off on The Spare-Time Revolution

Sorry for the lack of new posts, folks. That’s one of the potential difficulties when one’s substantive efforts must be made during moments not spent supporting one’s family. We thank you for continuing to stop by, and we promise that the lapse is only temporary.