Monique Chartier
New York City has tweaked and reissued proposed regulations requiring chain restaurants to put calorie information next to prices on their menus and menu boards. Many chains, including McDonald’s, Burger King and Starbucks, already provide calorie information on their Web sites or on posters or tray liners. But health officials say customers rarely see this…
On a side note, it struck me as a little incongruent Tuesday evening to be attending, at the urging of a conservative blog (Anchor Rising), a lecture on women’s rights hosted by a Republican organization (the URI College Republicans). Before then, I had not particularly associated the right side of the political spectrum with an…
The Republican candidates for President are debating tonight on Fox News Channel.
The Los Angeles Times has done a little gumshoe work and determined that Senator Hillary Clinton has received substantial campaign contributions from quite a few people of modest means. All three locations, along with scores of others scattered throughout some of the poorest Chinese neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, have been swept by…
Yesterday on the Helen Glover Show, discussing the $100,000,000 workforce reduction, Governor Donald Carcieri had the following exchange with a caller: Asked by a caller why the state needs interpreters in the courts and other state agencies, Carcieri said: “Amen to you, buddy.” In the hunt for expendable jobs, Carcieri said he found one department…
Don Imus will return to the radio airwaves. Embattled radio jock Don Imus is close to inking a multimillion-dollar deal to return to radio with Citadel Broadcasting, owner of ABC Radio Networks. The deal, expected to be finalized this week, would put Imus back on the air Dec. 3 on WABC-AM in New York City,…
One of the disturbing aspects of the revelation of this activity at the DMV is the idea that the State of Rhode Island may have broken the law and hired an undocumented immigrant. This is not to focus on Ms. Dolores Rodriguez-LaFlamme. It may well turn out that she is compliant with our immigration laws.…
The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced yesterday that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 would be shared by Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change But the intrinsic assumption of that statement is that the theory of anthropogenic global…
US Attorney Robert Clark Corrente reminds us in his October 9 press release Even though Martineau has signed an agreement to plead guilty, he has not yet entered a plea. This presumably will happen on Friday, the day Former House Majority Leader Gerard Martineau (D) is scheduled to be arraigned, according to the Providence Journal.…
Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D) has quietly brought President William J. Clinton’s former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger onto her campaign as an advisor – unpaid for now, but let’s keep an eye on those campaign finance reports. In April, 2005, Sandy Berger pleaded guilty to removing and destroying documents from the National…