Monique Chartier

Ken McKay: “… this is a difficult decision”

By Monique Chartier | November 27, 2011 |

As Andrew notes, Ken McKay has resigned as Chairman of the RIGOP. Will Ricci of the Ocean State Republican advises that Ken has accepted a [*cough*paying*cough*] position in Washington, DC which, naturally, precludes his continuation as Chair. Below is the e-mail by which Ken advised the RIGOP Executive Committee of his decision. As dictated by…

ProCAP and How Yours Truly Went For An Unexpected Ride on the Government’s Pass-The-Buck Merry-Go-Round

By Monique Chartier | November 26, 2011 |

Two developments yesterday at ProCAP: the Executive Director has been fired suspended, followed in short order by [edit] the firing of the organization’s COO and attorney. On Wednesday, what we knew was that ProCAP vendors were not being paid, personal loans had been made to the director and some staff members, hundreds of thousands of…

The Dangers of Pension Credulity

By Monique Chartier | November 22, 2011 |

In his post, Justin correctly points out that First, Rhode Island’s pension reform is simply not sufficient to solve the problem Many observers have marvelled at the scope of the reforms to the state pension system that just passed. The problem, the context that they miss is that the extent of the reforms are eclipsed…

Dual Purpose of the New 5.5% “Pension” Tax Exposed: To Discourage the Use of Non-State-Employees and To Gouge Yet Another Couple of Million from the Taxpayer

By Monique Chartier | November 20, 2011 |

Who says? Why, the Director of the Department of Administration, Mr. Richard Licht, though he didn’t actually use the words “gouge” or even “taxpayer”. (Ah, the joy of euphemisms). As Patrick noted, one of the few last minute amendments to the good-start-on-but-by-no means-comprehensive pension reform bill that survived a floor vote was a 5.5% tax…

State Republican Primary to Stay Open

By Monique Chartier | November 16, 2011 |

Turn-out to the RIGOP meeting tonight in Cranston was, I’m pleased to report, very heavy. The list of speakers (none of whom I heard, regrettably, as I arrived just as the voting started) included former Governor Don Carcieri, who spoke in favor of keeping the primary open. In the end, the vote tally was 108…

Even the $17/Week Co-Share: A Portrait of Greed

By Monique Chartier | November 14, 2011 |

Exclusively, it appears, courtesy WPRO. Christopher Cardarelli earned $77,000 as a firefighter last year and collected a $37,000 pension as a retired police captain but now he says he is paying too much for health benefits. … Cardarelli asserts that the city must reimburse him the $17 dollars a week he has been paying toward…

Reason #1 That Pension Reform Should not Pass – It’s More Like a 47% Rather Than A 95% Solution

By Monique Chartier | November 12, 2011 |

On Thursday, both the House and Senate Finance Committees voted out the pension reform bill. Check out Andrew’s post for an enlightening if not encouraging round-up/review. Thursday is also Valley Breeze day. This week’s edition contain a letter from Rep. Michael Chippendale and Sen. Nicholas Kettle explaining why they support the bill. No piece of…

Charlie Hall Puts COLA’s In Perspective

By Monique Chartier | November 7, 2011 |

Courtesy the soon-to-be-dark (sniff) Ocean State Follies.

If Man’s Greenhouse Gases Are The Cause of Global Warming, How Could the Warming Have Started in the 1600’s?

By Monique Chartier | November 6, 2011 |

… that would be 200 years before man started cranking up a whole array of back saving, medical advancing, temperature moderating, light extending, food preserving, comfort creating evil inventions driven by an equally wicked fuel supply. When discussing the theory of anthropogenic global warming, it’s always a little dangerous to move away from the Central…

Oh, Great – Now Just SITTING is Tied to Cancer

By Monique Chartier | November 5, 2011 |

From the Los Angeles Times. … researchers estimated that up to 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 cases of colon cancer each year are tied to lack of physical activity. “Sitting time is emerging as a strong candidate for being a cancer risk factor in its own right,” Neville Owen, the head of behavioral…