Monique Chartier

Debt Ceiling Stand-Off: So President Obama Wants Republicans to Undertake What Democrats Refused to Do (Raise Taxes)

By Monique Chartier | July 14, 2011 |

I’m not a big fan of Karl Rove. But he’s got a point here. Mr. Obama has offered no evidence since becoming president that he wants to restrain the upward trajectory of government spending. He does want higher taxes to pay for significantly higher federal spending. But he wants Republicans to deliver the tax increases,…

Mayor Menino: Grand Theft Auto Is Fine (As Long As It’s Committed By Undocumenteds)

By Monique Chartier | July 13, 2011 |

The mayor of Boston is trying mightily to expand the list of crimes that undocumented immigrants are (tacitly) permitted to commit. (H/T Howie Carr.) Boston Mayor Thomas Menino is now reversing course and threatening to withdraw from the Secure Communities program. That’s a big change for Boston, where police Commissioner Ed Davis had been a…

Coincidence or Cause? SK Teachers Union Returns to Table When Binding Arbitration is Taken Off It

By Monique Chartier | July 12, 2011 |

Let’s not allow this little turn of events to go unnoticed as we transition from the crazy last days of the legislative session to a lovely, hazy summer. South Kingstown’s teacher contract expires in August; accordingly, the School Committee and the NEA-SK have been working on a contract renewal. When binding arbitration got cranked up…

Re: Who Is Pulling the Trigger?

By Monique Chartier | July 11, 2011 |

Further to Justin’s post, perhaps the most exasperating aspect of the mainstream media’s studious disinterest in Operation Fast and Furious is the patent lack of consistency. If this had been an operation initiated by the ATF under a Republican president, the coverage would have been wall to wall. Assuredly, more than one MSNBC program host…

Big Brother Hacker is Watching???

By Monique Chartier | July 9, 2011 |

Though I didn’t quite know how to react at first – technically, isn’t an Apple store a public place? – this man’s actions were undoubtedly weird, if not creepy. The US Secret Service has raided the home of an artist who collected images from webcams in a New York Apple store. Kyle McDonald is said…

Extrapolating (Possibly Unscientifically) the Extent of Voter Fraud in Rhode Island from Rep Williams’ Experience

By Monique Chartier | July 7, 2011 |

Though I was as surprised as Justin at its passage, bravo that Rhode Island has put a voter i.d. law on the books. Arguments were made against the measure right until and even after Governor Chafee signed the bill, however. Rep Larry Valencia went so far as to say that we would be fixing a…

“Cleaning Up”: the Second Tell-Tale Action in the Story of the Socialist and the Housekeeper

By Monique Chartier | July 2, 2011 |

Following upon the results of some slightly tardy due diligence on the part of the prosecutor’s office, the credibility of Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s accuser is now in tatters and she has exposed herself (my opinion only here) to, minimally, perjury charges on about six different fronts. Strauss-Kahn’s bail was lifted yesterday and the dropping of all…

Binding Arbitration: Tomorrow’s Schedule; Committee Contact Info; a Little Background on the Dangers of B.A.

By Monique Chartier | June 28, 2011 |

RI Statewide Coalition’s press conference is at 3:00 in the State House Rotunda. RISC points out that Binding Arbitration means even more crushing property taxes … RHODE ISLANDERS ARE ALREADY HURTING WITH HIGH TAXES, BUT THIS UNION POWER GRAB WILL FORCE THEM FROM THEIR HOMES AND CAUSE FISCAL CHAOS IN OUR LOCAL CITIES AND TOWNS.…

“You earn political capital in order to spend it to achieve big things.”

By Monique Chartier | June 26, 2011 |

Now here’s a concept too often missing in politics. It was spoken by the Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, on the Today Show Friday. (Lauer was interviewing the Dreamy One about the public pension and health bill just passed by the NJ Assembly.) Matt Lauer: Your approval rating — 47% of the people in…

Can We Please Deduct $142,000 from East Providence’s State Aid for the Next Two Years?

By Monique Chartier | June 25, 2011 |

It’s already a lot that we send money for the salaries of municipal and school staffers who actually, you know, come in and work. To send money for someone to involuntarily “sit home, eating ice cream sandwiches” for absolutely no reason is a bit much. The East Providence School Committee decided to keep School Superintendent…