Monique Chartier
Dave Kane issued the following press release today. Since yesterday’s announcement about the release of the Station Nightclub Fire settlement money, I have been asked several times what our family plans to do with the money. First, at the risk of sounding like a commercial, “We’re going to Disney world”, Nicky’s favorite place to go…
… is available at PJTV, for AGW geeks (which includes yours truly) who could not make it to Chicago. [High speed – i.e., not dial-up – internet connection and not very onerous registration with PJTV required to access.] First up tonight, at 8:10 Eastern time, will be Lord Monckton.
No, that’s not a NY/MA/RI mispronounciation of someone who breaks into your computer. It’s the dance (ritual?), lasting about a minute, performed before each game by New Zealand’s Rugby team, the All Blacks. It has its roots in a Maori dance tradition, battlefield and other. There’s actually a movement to ban the Haka, for reasons…
As the Ocean State Republican points out, there’s even free food! …With that in mind, I’d like to invite you to bring your family and friends and join me for a free macaroni and meatball community dinner to share your personal story regarding flooding in your neighborhood, and to speak with representatives of FEMA, SBA,…
Eight public labor unions filed suit Wednesday to stop the implementation of minor changes made last year to public pension eligibility guidelines. The basis cited for the claim is revealing. Calling the changes a “taking of property without justification,” the unions are asking that the changes be declared unconstitutional, that lost benefits be restored and…
No frog march, though; unlike the other (alleged) stick up, this one failed. With some … er, coaxing by Buddy Cianci, Mayor Charles Lombardi alleges (link currently broken) on ABC6 On the Record, to air this Sunday morning, that the RI Senate quashed the city’s request for a supplemental tax increase – an increase approved…
… for those of us who have watched with consternation the push around the country – and especially in Washington – for expansion of both big government and illegal immigration. 1) Republican Richard Ross (R – again, that’s R) has won by a substantial margin the state senate seat vacated by Scott Brown. Ross even…
I’d like to second this, along with Justin’s reservations about “Obamacare”. (The gov’s office issued this press release a couple of hours ago.) Governor Donald L. Carcieri today urged Attorney General Patrick Lynch to join 14 other states that have filed a complaint in the federal district court challenging the constitutionality of the federal healthcare…
Courtesy Ocean State Follies, where we learn, by the way, that Charlie recently opened a gallery and gift shop in North Providence. In light of this week’s events in North Providence, the question naturally arises: did you have to take care of somebody, Charlie, to get your gallery open??
This was the prospect raised at a meeting Wednesday between Mayor Leo T. Fontaine, the city’s finance director and state officials. Granted, the state already funds 75% of the Woonsocket school budget. And yes, the School Committee has an almost comical approach to bookkeeping. School officials, who were predicting an $800,000 surplus just weeks ago…