Monique Chartier

Why are We Trying Them if We’re Going to Detain Them Regardless of the Verdict?

By Monique Chartier | November 28, 2009 |

Under “John Loughlin on the Civil Trial of Terrorists“, Joe Bernstein observes, Nor can you explain how it is that Holder admits before a Senate committee that he doesn’t know the consequences of an acquittal after these people are brought into this country under color of law to stand trial. Quoting Attorney General Eric Holder…

Charlie Hall Stopped by the State House Yesterday …

By Monique Chartier | November 26, 2009 |

Courtesy the Hummel Report Ocean State Follies.

John Loughlin on the Civil Trial of Terrorists

By Monique Chartier | November 24, 2009 |

Candidate for the First Congressional District John Loughlin appeared Sunday on NBC 10’s 10 News Conference with Jim Taricani and Bill Rappley. Below is the discussion between Loughlin and Taricani on the decision by the Obama Administration to try five terrorists in a United States federal court. Illegal immigration was the topic of another interesting…

Rhode Island’s Unemployment Picture: Ahead of Lowly Michigan in One Way but Behind in Another

By Monique Chartier | November 22, 2009 |

The good news is that with the highest unemployment rate in the country, Michigan still beats out Number Three Rhode Island. The bad news is that they also beat us on a positive front. Paragraph four of the possibly over-optimistic ProJo article that Justin highlighted has Rhode Island’s status in this area. And the state…

Sorting out Exactly Who Appointed the (Now Borderline Criminal) Panel Who Made the (Apparently Execrable) Anti-Mammogram Recommendations

By Monique Chartier | November 22, 2009 |

Gratifyingly, Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration have reacted to this government panel’s recommendation by setting land speed records distancing themselves from it. But in view of the public outrage that ensued, a scapegoat had to be identified. Who appointed the members of this panel?? Brace yourself. Because, of course … It’s George Bush’s…

Michael Morse is No Huggy Bear

By Monique Chartier | November 21, 2009 |

From a Rescuing Providence post of a couple of weeks ago. Are his experiences unique and a result of his blogular fame or is he correct that there is a trend among younger men to give manly hugs as greeting? What is up with all this handshake huggy stuff all the young guys are doing…

The Students Who Say “Meep”

By Monique Chartier | November 20, 2009 |

A serious level of absurdity has been reached when a real life incident evokes a scene from Python. H/T Michael Graham, who points out today that an assistant principal at Danvers High School has unsmilingly attempted to extend the fun outside of the school.

Terrorist Defendants and (No) Miranda Rights

By Monique Chartier | November 20, 2009 |

It appears that no Guantanamo detainees, including those who will be tried in a New York civilian court, were given their Miranda rights, nor were their “normal Fourth Amendment rights” observed. This is a sincere request: can someone provide a legal scenario in which all five of these cases are not thrown out on that…

To Fans of the Original Mercedes Gullwing

By Monique Chartier | November 15, 2009 |

… who are now sputtering, as I did, that the latest addition to the Mercedes Benz line will require us to tack on a modifier (i.e., “original”) when referencing that marvelous vehicle, Dan Neil of the Los Angeles Times offers a little salve inasmuch as he could not keep out of his review of the…

So is He Claiming to be Not Disconnected?

By Monique Chartier | November 14, 2009 |

Justin references a comment by Senator Whitehouse. To finish up, Whitehouse spoke about the apparent disconnect from reality that is exhibited by the Republican Party, whether it be about health care reform, or the climate bill, or same-sex marriage. On all of these issues, Senator Whitehouse has indicated that he will vote “yea” if/when the…