Monique Chartier

Chris Dodd Picks Up an Opponent

By Monique Chartier | March 29, 2009 |

It’s much too early for such polling to be accurate. So let’s disregard the one point lead that Rob Simmons already has on Senator Chris “Sweetheart Mortgage” Dodd – plus we may jinx Mr. Simmon’s chances – and focus instead on his positions. From today’s Westerly Sun. If he were in the Senate now, he…

Observing Earth Hour – Global Warming Climate Change Style

By Monique Chartier | March 28, 2009 |

Tonight from 8:30 – 9:30 local time has been designated as Earth Hour. THIS SATURDAY 28 MARCH AT 8.30PM YOU CAN VOTE EARTH BY SWITCHING OFF YOUR LIGHTS FOR ONE HOUR – EARTH HOUR. I myself will participate in Earth Hour but in the manner of AGW advocates. By this philosophy, one is permitted to…

Our Image Among Extremists: Confusion About the Order of Events.

By Monique Chartier | March 26, 2009 |

… reflected in this letter to the ProJo. It was the Bush administration’s detention and torture policies that made us less safe and more reviled by the Muslim world. Former President Bush’s torture and detention policies certainly radicalized many individuals across the Muslim world, and President Obama’s executive orders are a first step to defusing…

Proposed Supplemental Budget: Raise Gas Tax, Postpone Pension Reform

By Monique Chartier | March 26, 2009 |

A group of lawmakers (House and Senate Finance Committees? can’t tell from this ProJo article – not that I’m complaining! I’m glad for any coverage) has agreed on a supplemental budget for the current fiscal year, which they will vote on tomorrow, presumably setting up a vote soon by the full House and Senate. House…

Two Tea Parties for the Ocean State

By Monique Chartier | March 24, 2009 |

Further to the complaints pointed remarks of commenter TaxPayer and myself under Justin’s post, the Ocean State Republican blog reports that, in fact, There will be two Rhode Island “Tea Parties” on Tax Day, April 15th. The different times should allow anyone who wants to participate, to fit at least one of the parties into…

B. Frank: Invective Over Reason

By Monique Chartier | March 24, 2009 |

Is he looking to create a distraction from all of the money he is costing us? Has he run out of substantive arguments on the issue itself? “At some point, [the Defense of Marriage Act] is going to have to go to the United States Supreme Court,” the congressman, a Democrat, said. “I wouldn’t want…

“Lou Dobbs Tonight” Highlights (sort of) Rhode Island

By Monique Chartier | March 23, 2009 |

Ten percent unemployment and Forty Sixth worst business tax climate. Can there be a connection …? Embedded video from CNN Video

Where Should the Burden be Placed?

By Monique Chartier | March 22, 2009 | Comments Off on Where Should the Burden be Placed?

The Kent County Times reports that the West Warwick school district is making progress on its $3.1 million deficit. The savings of $555,000 through the end of Fiscal Year 2009 will not close the $3.1 million deficit that the schools still face, [Director of Administration and Transportation Michael] Petrarca admitted. But the contract, which was…

Accuracy of E-Verify

By Monique Chartier | March 22, 2009 |

In her statement to Anchor Rising, one of the bases for Lieutenant Governor Roberts’ opposition to e-verify was accuracy. She is not the first to express such reservations. In fact, it is the most commonly voiced concern about the system. Some easy research, however, would quickly allay these concerns. From the Department of Homeland Security:…

Geitner and the Administration’s Fiscal Philosophy: the Perfect Match

By Monique Chartier | March 22, 2009 |

President Obama has no intention of dumping Treasury Secretary Geitner. Embattled Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner’s job is safe and the subject of resignation has not come up in his conversations with President Obama despite calls from some in Congress for Geithner to step down, the president said in an interview to be broadcast tonight…