Monique Chartier

Anyone Need a State Contract? How about a Senate Seat?

By Monique Chartier | December 10, 2008 |

Hopefully, the conduct of the next Governor of Illinois will be guided by his or her observations of the fate of the current and prior occupants of the office. The allegations against Blagojevich provide a sharp contrast to a Democratic governor who campaigned for office promising reforms in the wake of disgraced, scandal-tainted Republican chief…

Re: Not the Way to Run a City… or a City-State

By Monique Chartier | December 7, 2008 |

From the ProJo article which Justin cites: According to the mayor’s chief of administration, Richard I. Kerbel, the retroactive pay for the nonunion officers matches retroactive pay awarded to police union members in arbitration over the last fiscal year Unlike so many other aspects of public sector compensation, it is, in fact, common practice in…

Re: The Anchor Rising Pension Simulation: The Walshian Assumptions

By Monique Chartier | December 7, 2008 |

Commenter George Elbow is back and once again requesting that Andrew revisit his post about Bob Walsh’s public pension investment scenario. Yes, we all understand the concept of compound interest. Rather, what we’d like discussed is the sustainability and FAIRNESS of the Walshian demands, particularly in this economic enviromnent. Please help us understand why Public…

Adjustments to State Aid to Providence

By Monique Chartier | December 3, 2008 |

And we do not need to single out Providence for this treatment. Certainly the aid to any other municipality that has budgeted unreasonable expenditures should be adjusted accordingly. But taxpayers from other cities and towns have no obligation to fund the extravagance, not to say folly, of public officials, whether past or current, whom they…

ProJo Administers Both Pink Slip and Red Pen

By Monique Chartier | December 2, 2008 |

In an exclusive at Not For Nothing, Ian Donnis has learned not only the identity of the editorial writer laid off at the Providence Journal – David A. Mittell, Jr. – but that the ProJo refused to print his last column, which was critical of how newspapers have been operated in recent years. At what…

Mass Transit Takes a Number: The Line at the Dole Continues to Lengthen

By Monique Chartier | November 28, 2008 |

Stung by heavy termination fees (arising out of some sort of fixed asset sale/lease back arrangement that sounds suspiciously similar to what has been proposed to solve Rhode Island’s public pension problem) resulting from the collapse of AIG, mass transit authorities around the country have asked Uncle Sam for help with the resulting operating shortfalls.…

“Everything is On the Table”

By Monique Chartier | November 27, 2008 |

And not just because it’s Thanksgiving. In light of Speaker Murphy’s comment in front of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, a quick review of Rhode Island’s current standing in certain tax categories is in order. [Data courtesy the Tax Foundation.] > Business Tax Climate: 50th (worst) > Cigarette Tax: 2nd highest nationally > Corporate…

Please Get Your Python Fix from the Official Source

By Monique Chartier | November 20, 2008 |

Here, to be exact. So sayeth Cleese, Gilliam, Idle, Jones and Palin:

Hillary Acts Coy

By Monique Chartier | November 19, 2008 |

How did President-Elect Obama wind up in the awkward position of standing by while the person on top of his short list vacillates about accepting arguably the most prestigious position in his Cabinet? Hillary Clinton’s “agonizing” decision over whether to accept Barack Obama’s offer of the secretary of state position could be the result of…

Coincidence or Nepotism? Senator Steve Alves’ Job-A-Rama

By Monique Chartier | November 19, 2008 |

[Yesterday, the Governor settled an ethics complaint about the hiring of his niece-in-law. My post below first appeared on June 1, shortly after the ethics complaint was filed.] Under my post “I Am Your Father’s Brother’s Nephew’s Cousin’s Former Roommate” about Turn To 10’s Bill Rappleye “uncovering” the hiring of the Governor’s niece-in-law, commenter Citizen…