Democrats on the March
All revved up for negotiations to reconcile the House and Senate versions of economically destructive health “reform”? Well, you’re going to have to wait over a month, until after some soaring rhetoric from the Deceiver in Chief: The White House privately anticipates health care talks to slip into February — past President Barack Obama’s first…
To some extent, I’m probably out of sync with the perceptions of the general public, on this one, but I find this sort of thing astonishing: In a televised forum that was by turns casual and bitter, the two leading Democrats vying for US Senate were both heavily critical of the Catholic Church during a…
Maggie Mahar of the Century Foundation warns: If you’re a progressive like me, and you’re upset by the Stupak amendment, which bars federally subsidized insurance from covering abortions, consider this: What if we had a single-payer health-care system and someone like Jeb Bush or Sarah Palin were running the country? Many liberals remain angry and…
This morning, the NEA’s Pat Crowley’s lamely attempted to use Alinsky’s Rules #5 (Ridicule) and #11 (” Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it”) on Education Commissioner Deborah Gist and put up a post that displayed the sort of empathy and prudence we’ve all come to expect. In the post, Crowley vaguely alluded…
Something’s been gnawing at me since Andrew posted video of Congressman Patrick Kennedy proving once again why we should all hope his handlers keep him well away from any real power, and it took a revistation of Ed Achorn’s concern about the Obama administration’s jihad against Fox News to jar the pest loose. Here’s Achorn:…
USA Today: Democratic members of the House of Representatives now represent most of the nation’s wealthiest people, a sharp turnaround from the long-standing dominance that Republicans have held over affluent districts. A USA TODAY analysis of new Census data found that Democrats represent a far different constituency today than they did in 2005, when they…
Some columns are best ignored, and Tom Plate’s recent op-ed would easily have been one of those were it not for a telling little slip of the old Reductio ad Hitlerum (emphasis added): Not even the most mature and sophisticated of columnists are immune to the temptation to occasionally hurl a shoe at someone. My…
Desperately trying to avoid several household projects I should be working on, I decided to see if anything interesting would happen associated with the protest of Glenn Beck’s book signing at Borders Bookstore in Providence. Here’s a quick photosummary. The world’s mellowest angry mob, inside of the store, about a half-hour or so before Glenn…
I don’t watch or listen to Glenn Beck, but I do know he stirs up those on the left (and some Republicans). He’s going to be in Providence late this afternoon and the local branch of the International Socialist Organization is organizing a protest. Talk about playing to type and feeding the beast. (At least…
The U.S. House of Representatives has joined the Senate in overwhelmingly voting to defund ACORN after recent voter fraud allegations and a grassroots undercover investigation revealed a willingness by ACORN operatives in various states to encourage breaking U.S. law. This follows a decision by the Census Bureau to bar ACORN from assisting in the 2010…