Democrats on the March

Pelosi Bucks 185 Year Old House Rule, Stifles Debate

By Marc Comtois | May 16, 2007 |

Yup, they sure are changing things down there in D.C. Drudge reports: After losing a string of embarrassing votes on the House floor because of procedural maneuvering, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has decided to change the current House Rules to completely shut down the floor to the minority. The Democratic Leadership is threatening…

New House Budget Means Higher Taxes

By Marc Comtois | May 15, 2007 |

The Heritage Foundation has done an analysis of the new House Budget crafted by the Democratic majority in Washington and concluded that it means higher taxes across the board. Their reasoning: The House leadership has proposed to increase spending over the next five years. Given the leader­ship’s avowed commitment to paying for spending increases, tax…

Re: RI Future Hyperventilation

By Justin Katz | May 10, 2007 |

Give me a break. I realize that progressives don’t want to lose one of their weapons for public assassination, but must we continue pretending that anybody on either side of the aisle actually thinks being gay, of itself, is political poison — especially in Rhode Island? (Not so ironically, one suspects that those politicians who…

Counterintuitive Consequence of the Day

By Carroll Andrew Morse | April 10, 2007 |

Would passage of a new Equal Rights Amendment mean that Providence College could reinstate its baseball team? Ilya Somin of the Volokh Conspiracy thinks it’s a possibility…As currently interpreted by courts and federal administrative agencies, [Federal law] essentially requires universities to have equal numbers of male and female sports teams, regardless of the amount of…

Because, after 35 years, we’ve waited long enough….

By Marc Comtois | March 27, 2007 |

…the Democratic Party brings you (drumroll please)………………………………. The Equal Rights Amendment!!! Liberal Democrats in the Senate and House plan to resume “the fight for women’s equality” on Tuesday, when they reintroduce the Women’s Equality Amendment. Sens. Ted Kennedy (Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (Calif.) and Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Jerrold Nadler, both of New York, plan…

Zebra-crats: Simply Can’t Change Their Stripes

By Marc Comtois | March 22, 2007 |

Ed Morrissey commented (via email) to Glenn Reynolds: Isn’t it interesting that the Democrats — who ran on an anti-corruption, anti-war platform — now offer us a porked-up supplemental to fund the Iraq war? And, also via Glenn, that noted conservative outlet USA Today joins in: It’s hard to say which is worse: leaders offering…

House Democrats: Pork is OK if it’s Anti-War

By Marc Comtois | March 21, 2007 | Comments Off on House Democrats: Pork is OK if it’s Anti-War

It didn’t take too long to renege on that promise now, did it (H/T). House Democratic leaders are offering billions in federal funds for lawmakers’ pet projects large and small to secure enough votes this week to pass an Iraq funding bill that would end the war next year. So far, the projects — which…

Immigration Debate To Heat up Locally

By Marc Comtois | March 17, 2007 |

Ian Donnis at N4N: It should make for riveting television when WPRO-AM talk-show host Dan Yorke and blogger-political activist Matt Jerzyk square off on immigration on 10 News Conference at 6:30 AM this Sunday. (A few disclosures: I’m a weekly guest on Yorke’s show, and Jerzyk is an occasional Phoenix contributor.) Jerzyk and Yorke have…

Who Cares What the RI Legislature Thinks About Iraq?

By Marc Comtois | March 7, 2007 |

Perhaps if House Democrats would refrain from debating utterly non-Rhode Island related “legislation” such as H 5340, a House Resolution “RESPECTFULLY REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO OPPOSE PRESIDENT BUSH’S PLAN TO INCREASE US TROOPS IN IRAQ,” then they wouldn’t have to put the pedal to the metal in June. (Of course, that’s assuming they…

In Allentown, Not So Crazy About Card Checks

By Marc Comtois | March 6, 2007 |

Well we’re waiting here in Allentown For the Pennsylvania we never found For the promises our teachers gave If we worked hard If we behaved So the graduations hang on the wall But they never really helped us at all No they never taught us what was real Iron and coal Chromium Steel And we’re…