Democrats on the March

Parents have a picnic with their alien children

Politics This Week: The Twilight Generation of Political Normalcy in Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | May 6, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz worry about the significance of creeping lunacy in RI politics.

A water drop and ripples

The people leaving Massachusetts are no surprise.

By Justin Katz | April 23, 2024 |

Here’s the Boston Globe’s description of the people leaving Massachusetts: Boston Indicators, the research arm of the Boston Foundation, published an analysis exploring trends in so-called domestic outmigration in Massachusetts, or people leaving for elsewhere in the United States. Looking at a two-year average across 2021 and 2022, the analysis found that the people moving…

A water drop and ripples

California’s decline could mirror Rhode Island’s ascent.

By Justin Katz | April 19, 2024 |

Unfortunately, Rhode Islanders don’t want it.  The Ocean State could be a beacon collecting some of tech jobs California is losing, as Joey Politano shows here: Rhode Island is so in the grip of its special interests and ideologues that they’d rather imitate California than create opportunity.

A water drop and ripples

Progressive Democrats want everybody to fit neatly into groups.

By Justin Katz | April 16, 2024 |

That means most of us have to be servants to somebody else.  That’s why a political party that still pretends it’s “for the little guy” is relentlessly targeting “little guys” who work for themselves. This video from John Stossel is worth watching: If you’re independent, you’re difficult to manage. If top-down government can pressure top-down…

Bike riders storm the RI State House

Politics This Week: Political Unspeakables

By Justin Katz | April 15, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz highlight some unspeakable stories in RI.

A water drop and ripples

Remember those basic rights we once took for granted.

By Justin Katz | April 12, 2024 |

Roger Kimball has in mind, here, the attacks on Donald Trump: The disappointing thing is how many Americans just don’t care, because the Democrats have whipped them into a frenzy of hatred.  We are fortunate, indeed, to have basic rights protected in our fundamental laws, but no piece of paper can withstand the desire of…

A water drop and ripples

How much space is there between the RI Foundation and the Democrat Party?

By Justin Katz | April 11, 2024 |

I’m still puzzled by the presence of the leader of the Rhode Island Foundation in this image: Is the foundation involved with this project, was this just a bunch of buddies hanging out for a photo op, or is there really no space at all between state government, federal government, and the non-profit sector —…

A water drop and ripples

Opposition to school choice is meant to control teachers, too.

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2024 |

Here’s a good addendum to my post, yesterday, about progressives’ response to discipline policies in charter schools: Those who oppose school choice are also limiting the options for teachers.  They’re only about control.  They want to make sure teachers can’t get out of the pension system, and they want to make sure children can’t get…

Leader of an angry mob accuses his reflection.

Reflecting on Rhode Island’s Robbers

By Michael Chippendale | April 3, 2024 |

Representative Michael Chippendale directs Rhode Islanders’ attention to the party responsible for the Ocean State’s condition.

A water drop and ripples

Why do progressives want people to lack self control?

By Justin Katz | April 3, 2024 |

These sentiments from two prominent Rhode Island progressives are worth noting: “Harmful practices.”  “Punish children.”  They’re talking about demerits for things like being late or unprepared for class. Notice that they don’t care whether these policies could help some children.  Either in their arrogance they think they know better or in their malice they want to…