Election Reform
The latest shiny news object in Rhode Island media is the revelation that the Tidewater soccer stadium will cost Rhode Island taxpayers $132 million in order to finance $27 million of the construction costs, or $4.4 million per year for 30 years. Grumbling is being heard from people with familiar names — “obviously these are…
When one of our cars became unusable last year, my family had to buy another, which we did at a dealer in Massachusetts that a friend had recommended. We’ve bought cars in Massachusetts, before, but it appears that something has changed. Registering the car took about a month, during which time we were short a…
John DePetro and Justin Katz review the ways in which RI’s self-appointed “coach” and self-presumed captains manipulate the “team” of Rhode Islanders.
John DePetro and Justin Katz detail gaps in political awareness in RI.
Surprising absolutely nobody, Democrat Gabe Amo won the available Congressional seat in Rhode Island yesterday. For those who really get into local politics, the thrill of the bet in such races is predicting whether the Republican will come in closer to 30% or closer to 35%. Gerry Leonard hit the 35%, so congratulations to him.…
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss important stories in Rhode Island this week.
Whether it’s deliberate manipulation or just a sloppy resort to groupthink, Nancy Lavin’s recent article on Rhode Island Current is a good illustration of how issues can be framed to support the preferences of the powerful. Note this section: Proponents tout these expansions as ways to improve voter turnout and access while easing the pressure…
Mike Stenhouse and Justin Katz review the unprecedented mail ballot results of Democrat State Senator Ana Quezada and their implications for RI elections.
I mentioned to Mike Stenhouse on an episode of In the Dugout that will air soon that the danger of mail ballots may only be resolved when powerful people begin to worry that they won’t be better at it than their opposition. That’s why it’s important to increase awareness of videos like this, from Connecticut: I…
State Senator Ana Quezada was a stand-out recipient of mail ballots, with surprisingly targeted support in specific precincts that didn’t spread into in-person votes as should have been expected.