
Reed’s Unimpressive Spinnage

By Justin Katz | August 27, 2009 |

As I catch up with my Projo reading, an article describing a Web chat with Senator Reed reinforces my impression that he’s spectacularly unimpressive. I see no intellectual interest in the man, only talking-point recitation: When readers mentioned two proposals that Republicans tend to embrace, Reed pointed out what he views as their limitations. When…

Senators Reed and Whitehouse in Johnston, Before the Main Event

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 27, 2009 |

At a short press conference prior to last night’s community dinner in Johnston, I asked Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed if there was any support amongst Democrats in Congress for making the changes to the Federal tax-code that would help undo the biases against individual purchasers currently present in the health insurance market. The…

The Comedy Duo of Whitehouse and Reed

By Justin Katz | August 27, 2009 |

When Monique brought up our liveblogging from the healthcare community dinner hosted by Senators Whitehouse and Reed, on the Matt Allen Show, the conversation drifted toward the oddity of the Senators tackling this issue, locally as a team. Matt’s thesis is that Reed doesn’t care about the issue, while Whitehouse has all the background, yet…

Dinner in Johnston

By Justin Katz | August 26, 2009 |

Rhode Island roads are designed for people who already know where they’re going. That’s why I barely made it to Johnston in time to set up for the community dinner hosted b y Senators Reed and Whitehouse. And what do I find when I arrive: Andrew sneaking up on Pat Crowley! We’re a violent mob…

Overselling the Public Option, Continued

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 26, 2009 |

On WPRO radio’s (630 AM) John DePetro show this morning, Senators Jack Reed and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse advanced their position that “the public option” portion of healthcare reform, i.e. a government owned and operated insurance company, would be simply one additional insurance company added to the market, on equal footing with the already existing players.…

They’ve Heard Us

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2009 |

An understandably frustrated Karin commented to a recent post: Does it really matter who yells and screams. They have no intention of changing the way they vote. The yelling is out of pure frustration that we have zero control over these guys. One needn’t read Sunday’s Providence Journal article about our delegation’s backing off the…

Running into the Arms of Government

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2009 |

The reader really must sympathize with Froma Harrop’s frustration and ire, and I’m truly sorry for the loss of her husband. The conclusions to which she comes, from that point of view, are, however, plain wishful thinking based on an idealization of an alternative straw to grasp: An economic note: In 2006, William “Dollar Bill”…

UPDATED: Langevin Town Hall Video

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2009 |

UPDATE: The video below is now complete; I’ve also managed to take some of the echo out of the audio, so it might be a little easier to understand what people are saying. Given that Andrew and I attended a separate press session before Congressman Jim Langevin’s town hall meeting in Warwick, tonight, and that…

Following-Up the Newsmakers Follow-Up on Illegal Immigrants and Healthcare Reform

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 24, 2009 |

Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse appeared on this week’s Newsmakers program on WPRI-TV (CBS 12), offering substantive answers to some very good questions on healthcare reform asked by panelists Tim White, Arlene Violet and Ian Donnis. On at least one issue, however, the issue of how illegal immigrants are being addressed in the proposals…

Take a Step Back to See the Socialization

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2009 |

Since she began targeting a national audience, losing the local flavor, reading Froma Harrop has become a chore that I’m less and less inclined to undertake, but she does still have a knack for highlighting the errors in the thoughts that she’s repeating, as is the case here: Reforming health care should be both a…