So the makers of Absolut vodka are advertising in Mexico with the statement that, “In an Absolut World,” the Southwestern United States would be the territory of our neighbors to the south. One might call it immanentizing the endgame. Well, my choice of vodkas just became easier by the subtraction of one. (More on Gateway…
“Fear grips immigrant community in wake of Carcieri’s executive order” screams the headline of a Rhode Island Catholic story that doesn’t appear to be online. For all of the talk about divisiveness, I’d wager that there’s a fundamental disconnect from side to side in reaction to such details as this: The undocumented people who are…
Cynthia Needham reports in today’s Projo on the beginning of Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts’ statewide tour to promote her proposed new healthcare mandates…Lt. Gov. Elizabeth Roberts last night kicked off a statewide tour in South Providence to promote her health-care plan, making the first of 15 stops… Similar to the Massachusetts system, the Roberts plan…
The report on yesterday’s storming of Smith Hill reminds me of an observation that Rocco DiPippo made when we were covering the International Workers of the World anti-police rally in North Providence a few months ago — the United States is one of the safest places in the world to hold a demonstration of any…
Whoa. Listen to the audio provided on the Providence Journal page to which Monique links in the previous post. The above quoted line — used to rally momentary resistance to police instructions — is sounding more and more like a threat than encouragement: Outside the State House, [Providence City Councilman Miguel Luna] said, “When you…
Here’s the plan. Seventy five of us are going to charter a plane and fly to the capitols of half a dozen countries around the world. I’m thinking Lisbon, Santiago, Bern, Warsaw, Rome and London. When we get to each city, we’re going to “storm” the office of the policy director of the president or…
At the news conference yesterday of Rhode Island clergy leaders where the Governor’s Executive Order on illegal immigration was criticized with various levels of tact, the Reverend Donald C. Anderson, Executive Minister of the Rhode Island State Council of Churches, observed In God’s kingdom there are no second-class citizens, only sisters and brothers. Rhode Island…
A caller to the Dan Yorke Show this afternoon did not quite connect the dots but juxtaposed Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts’ position on universal health care (she favors it) with her call for the Governor to withdraw his Executive Order pertaining to illegal immigration. The caller raised an interesting point. Putting together the Lieutenant Governor’s…
The curious thing is that they don’t offer an “instead”: At least 250 people packed the Algonquin House on Broad Street for the 2 p.m. news conference, sponsored by Immigrants United, We Can Stop the Hate Rhode Island, Univocal Legislative Minority Advocacy and Hispanic Ministerial Association Miguel Sanchez-Hartwein, executive director of the Center for Hispanic…
The first 2 sections of Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri’s executive order on immigration concern the use of an automated system called “E-Verify” for confirming whether new hires by state government and state government contractors are in the country legally…1. The Department of Administration shall register and use the federal government’s E-Verify program to electronically…