
Rhode Island to Hard-Working Taxpayers: You’re Not Wanted

By Justin Katz | December 5, 2008 |

So I took a 14% reduction in my hourly pay rate this week. My other option was to quit and look for another job (without the benefit of a few months of unemployment insurance). Desperate times are here. Meanwhile, the Sakonnet Times did run Richard Joslin’s diatribe against the Tiverton taxpayers group with which I’m…

The Big Idea That Nobody’s Having

By Justin Katz | November 15, 2008 |

Hey, Rhode Islanders: That deferred tax increase known as “transportation bonds” (and claiming all those wonderful federal tax dollars) to which you just assented? Not enough: A special state panel yesterday discussed several ideas to raise money to fix the state’s roads and bridges, from tolls on Route 95 and the Sakonnet River bridge to…