Law and Order

Oh Happy Commerce, or, “I felt like I was forcing myself on a 40+ year old fat sex slave”

By Justin Katz | September 17, 2009 |

“Where the hell else is a middle aged man gonna hook up with a young sexy hot sex slave in real life? Like the old saying goes, we want a ***** [whore] in the bedroom but a lady in the kitchen. Just don’t expect you gf [girlfriend] to be as whory as the real whores.…

The Fallacy of Victimless Prostitution

By Marc Comtois | September 16, 2009 |

My last post on “Pro-Prostitution Progressivism” generated a debate on the conservative/libertarian side. Justin entered the fray and, after some back-and-forth in the comments, expanded his thoughts, touching on political philosophy, ideology and making assumptions about those with whom you disagree. Those were his thoughts. As for me, my opposition to indoor prostitution doesn’t stem…

The Pot Calling the Market Black

By Justin Katz | August 13, 2009 |

Somewhere in the mire of Rhode Island’s approach to legalized medical marijuana is a lesson about the way in which various forces operate in our legislature: Law-enforcement officials are uniformly opposed to the program that allows an illegal drug to be legally grown and distributed to licensed patients. They also are troubled by the lack…

Still Out of a Home

By Justin Katz | August 9, 2009 |

By way of an update to the bizarre story of the veteran against whom an ex-girlfriend and the Rhode Island Superior Court conspired to keep him out of his own house for more than two years, now, I heard from Paul Kelly this week, and he’s still locked out. Apparently, the trial that would remove…

The Target of Illegality

By Justin Katz | July 27, 2009 |

Andrew (not Morse) joins the intraconservative conversation about bringing Rhode Island back in line with the rest of the country by making prostitution explicitly illegal: Justin, I agree with Dan on this. You can’t legislate morality. There’s a reason that prostitution is known as the oldest profession. Even Christ hung out with a hooker. And…

On Victims and Libertine Oppression

By Justin Katz | July 26, 2009 |

Today’s epiphany — which I wouldn’t be surprised to find to be common understanding among a great many people more insightful than myself — is the intellectual proximity of those who would erase from the books any “victimless crime” and those who see a “victim” of a social crime in every unhappy circumstance. The first…

A Crime Against Society

By Justin Katz | July 20, 2009 |

Before we let his subject drift into the vague pastures of public memory, let’s join Mark Patinkin in shaking our heads at the tale of the neighbor-killer who retired in his twenties after six months of public service: You no doubt saw that Nicholas Gianquitti, 41, now serving 40 years for murdering Cranston fire lieutenant…

Peculiar Sensibilities Concerning Prostitution

By Justin Katz | July 20, 2009 |

As with much else in Rhode Island, it could be that some of the decisive ambivalence about the continued permissibility of prostitution in the state would dissipate if people took a moment to understand what it actually means. The blog of a new Web site that URI Professor Donna Hughes and associate Melanie Shapiro have…

Not a Direction in Which We Wish to Head

By Justin Katz | June 1, 2009 |

Growing up in the ’80s, with all of the romanticizing of the ’60s that was fashionable, then, I thought it pleasantly discordant to hear George Harrison describe his disappointment in the Beatles’ visit to Haight-Ashbury, where the big scene consisted of “a bunch of spotty teenagers” (or something close thereto). Less pleasant was learning, some…

An Oblique Way of Asking If it Makes Sense to Regionalize, If the Regions Will Be Governed By the Same People Who Made the Original Mess

By Carroll Andrew Morse | June 1, 2009 |

Lynn Arditi has an excellent article in today’s Projo on the evolution of prostitution law in Rhode Island, challenging the notion that the loophole in state law allowing indoor prostitution was somehow created by accident. Apparently, pro-legalization activists in the late 70s were active in many states…Margo St. James, the former prostitute who challenged the…