Law and Order

Red-Light Cameras’ Green-Light

By Justin Katz | January 3, 2009 |

Despite a lack of evidence (as far as I’m aware) that red-light cameras have any reductive effect on accidents and questions about whether they even turn a profit for the controlling authority, the General Assembly eliminated the sunset provision to their allowance last June, and the change went into effect without the governor’s signature. Happenings…

Semi-Random Thoughts About Bernard Madoff

By Monique Chartier | December 21, 2008 |

Bail Fifty billion is missing and presumed lost or stolen. Lacking a clear picture of how much of that is lost and how much is stolen, is $10,000,000 really an adequate bail amount? Madoff needed to send only an equal amount offshore during the course of his scheme to be ready for a sudden need…

Searching for New Directions

By Justin Katz | December 20, 2008 |

Since it’s been a topic of discussion around here, it’s worth noting that — although Capitol Records continues on its litigious path, the Recording Industry Association of America is discerning the error of its ways: After years of suing thousands of people for allegedly stealing music via the Internet, the recording industry is set to…

Claiming One’s Life Repository

By Justin Katz | December 16, 2008 |

We should all hope that Capitol Records fails in its efforts to claim a Providence family’s computer for inspection, but as the breadth of activities occurring on computers expands, the likelihood goes up that they will become subject to confiscation for one reason or another. In that light, even just the circumstances of the threat…

Anyone Need a State Contract? How about a Senate Seat?

By Monique Chartier | December 10, 2008 |

Hopefully, the conduct of the next Governor of Illinois will be guided by his or her observations of the fate of the current and prior occupants of the office. The allegations against Blagojevich provide a sharp contrast to a Democratic governor who campaigned for office promising reforms in the wake of disgraced, scandal-tainted Republican chief…

And Off They Go

By Justin Katz | November 13, 2008 |

A mistrial and a plea agreement, and two child-molesting gay prostitutes are free and gone: Two Bristol men charged with multiple molestation and child solicitation counts went to court last week and received a mistrial, nearly nine months after they were arrested by Bristol police following a Bristol and state investigation into crimes against children…

RI Courts and Attorney General: Taking “A Second Chance” to a New Level

By Monique Chartier | August 1, 2008 |

The passage of twenty four hours has conferred no perspective on or fathomability into this: The state courts plan to keep doing business with two cleaning companies that the Carcieri administration fired last week after 31 of their custodians were arrested as suspected illegal immigrants. And Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch is also sticking with…

Crime in the Northeast

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 1, 2008 |

Is anyone else surprised by State Police Superintendent Brendan Doherty’s assessment of the regional crime situation, as reported in today’s Projo by Richard Dujardin…Doherty said he believes [the joint local/state/federal task force operating in Providence] has become necessary now more than ever because “crime in the Northeast is out of control.”This is the first mention…

The Communication Breakdown Between Governor and Mayor — in Illinois

By Carroll Andrew Morse | July 17, 2008 |

Glenn Reynolds is looking at this as a gun-control story, however, for Rhode Islanders, it serves reminder that tensions between Governors and Mayors can be more than simple partisan politics. …Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) on Wednesday raised the possibility of bringing in state troopers or even the Illinois National Guard to help Chicago combat a…

Life as Bobby O

By Justin Katz | July 17, 2008 |

As a writer (lamentably too little of creative works), I find it difficult not to spend some paragraphs indulging in imaginative exercises concerning what the experience of being Bobby Oliveira. Inasmuch as I’ve no interest in addressing the likely consequences of such an indulgence, I’ll offer herewith only a link to his thoughts on his…