National Politics

Challenging the increasing momentum toward a nanny state

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 15, 2010 |

It seems increasingly relevant so here is a re-run of a February 7, 2009 post, with some updates: As Obama, Pelosi and Reid accelerate the implementation of statist practices in America – building on what Bush started – it is helpful and necessary to reacquaint ourselves with fundamental economic principles and some specific significant issues…

A refreshing change

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 14, 2010 |

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie destroys reporter for calling him confrontational. No painting with bland pastels. Courageous. A good thing in times of uncertainty.

Taking Stock

By Marc Comtois | May 7, 2010 |

In his latest, Victor Davis Hanson admits that he’s beating a dead horse when it comes to “media polarities” that “are getting to the point of absurdity.” Perhaps so, but its worth taking stock every now and again and doing the ol’ compare and contrast: Bush, the lazy golfer while we were at war; Obama…

Big government, crony capitalism and the latest from Government Motors

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 2, 2010 |

Big government, whom some foolishly think is the pathway to so-called social justice for the little guy, actually has the opposite effect. It incentivizes big corporations, big unions and other powerful organizations to feed at the enlarged government trough to buy favors at the expense of those unable to pay for a place at the…

Who gets to play God?

By Donald B. Hawthorne | April 29, 2010 |

Obama: Now, what we’re doing, I want to be clear, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. What does “success fairly earned” or “enough money” mean? Who defines “success fairly earned” or “enough money”? What…

Paranoia, it’s the American Way

By Marc Comtois | April 16, 2010 |

As Rich Lowry explains in his latest column, we Americans are perpetually paranoid about our government, whether it’s the liberal paranoia throughout the Bush years (Patriot Act, world hegemony) or the right wing paranoia amongst conservatives in the Clinton years (Waco, domestic anti-terrorist laws post-Oklahoma City). Lowry explains that our paranoid view of government has…

Flipping Political Coins with Amendments

By Justin Katz | April 9, 2010 |

On Wednesday’s Matt Allen Show, Andrew brought up the interesting juxtaposition that, while some states’ attorney generals are suing the federal government over healthcare with reference to the 10th Amendment, Massachusetts’s Martha Coakley is making a 10th Amendment argument against national marriage law. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

BREAKING: Rhode Islander Ken McKay Resigns RNC

By Justin Katz | April 5, 2010 |

RNC Chief of Staff and former staffer for Governor Carcieri, Ken McKay has resigned over controversy: Republican National Committee chief of staff Ken McKay has resigned in the wake of a controversy over an expenditure at a risque California nightclub, RNC communications director Doug Heye said Monday. McKay’s resignation comes one week after the Daily…

A Newly Aware America Confronting Old Tricks

By Justin Katz | April 3, 2010 |

Andrew Breitbart pulls together some of the threads related to the post-healthcare-vote anti-Tea Party redirection, concluding: Who is calling the shots here? Is it the White House, by way of Chicago? Or is it Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? The press refused to tell you the truth about this president. It refused to tell you…

The Obama-Era Binge

By Justin Katz | April 2, 2010 |

One gets the sense, watching state and national politicians in action, that paying for things is by far a secondary or tertiary consideration. As Ed Achorn puts it: The government will borrow 40 cents of every dollar it spends this year. Under the most optimistic scenarios, borrowing will continue at historically high levels, putting a…