National Politics
With their preferred candidate going down to Scott Brown, the ProJo editors can’t help but throw a little tantrum excoriating the easily fooled and selfish voters of Massachusetts (remember, it’s all about healthcare for ’em): Part of this was the well-financed campaign pumping up fears of higher taxes for the middle and upper classes to…
A certain northern Senator elect was the topic of conversation when Monique called in to the Matt Allen Show. Stream by clicking here, or download it.
While Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia) has called for all further votes on health care reform to be suspended until Scott Brown is seated, Mark Steyn points to Senate President Reid’s new-found enchantment with documentation. Harry Reid’s reluctance to seat Senator Brown (R., Mass.) — boy, I enjoyed typing that — until “the proper paperwork has…
Michael Graham via The Corner. My radio station in Boston has been non-stop on the Brown/Coakley race for weeks. Three of our hosts are pro-Brown, two pro-Coakley. We were broadcasting from our own victory rally tonight in Braintree, Mass., at the very moment Scott Brown got the concession call from Coakley. He joined us on…
UPDATE: Drudge is reporting that Coakley has conceded by telephone. Here’s the story in the Globe, but high traffic appears to have crashed the site. Local election returns in Massachusetts, tonight, make for an interesting map that will bear further analysis as time progresses. Note, for instance, the huge margins for Coakley in Fall River…
Ross Douthat comments on Steve Kornacki’s contention that: … the rise of southern/religious-based conservatism in 1994 — when Newt Gingrich and the GOP won control of Congress — triggered an immediate and enduring cultural backlash among swing voters in places like Massachusetts. Before ‘94, they still saw the GOP (generally) as a big tent party…
On election day in Massachusetts, the desperate ProJo editors have resorted to listing a bunch of “what ifs?” should Scott Brown be elected and Obamacare not pass. Notwithstanding that a counter-argument can be made that passing this particular monstrosity called health care “reform” would make all of the items they identify even worse, the panicked…
Seal your doom: The White House and Democratic Congressional leaders, scrambling for a backup plan to rescue their health care legislation if Republicans win the special election in Massachusetts on Tuesday, are preparing to ask House Democrats to approve the Senate version of the bill, which would send the measure directly to President Obama for…
Much discussion about the Massachusetts special election over in the Corner, including a thread about whether Republican Scott Brown “peaked early.” Naturally the thread began with an email from a self-confessed Massachusetts liberal; then followed a statement of jitters from a New Hampshire conservative: Over the weekend, while reading the “Globe” online and watching political…
It’s so Patrick Kennedy to enlist in a partisan battle and offer passionate support for a candidate whose name he doesn’t know: Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), speaking with a gaggle of reporters after the event, said that while state Sen. Scott Brown (R) offers voters a quick fix, in reality, the problems created by “George…