National Politics

Bush Was Better

By Justin Katz | December 11, 2009 |

Now this is interesting: Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama’s declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they’d rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that’s somewhat of a surprise and…

The Conservative Eagle Has Two Wings

By Justin Katz | November 29, 2009 |

Periodically, one picks up a hint from the libertarian quarters of the broader tea party movement that they see, in it, an opportunity to assert economic conservatism apart from social conservatism. As I noted while observing the size and diversity of the crowd at the marriage-vow-renewal ceremony hosted by the National Organization for Marriage –…

Sorting out Exactly Who Appointed the (Now Borderline Criminal) Panel Who Made the (Apparently Execrable) Anti-Mammogram Recommendations

By Monique Chartier | November 22, 2009 |

Gratifyingly, Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration have reacted to this government panel’s recommendation by setting land speed records distancing themselves from it. But in view of the public outrage that ensued, a scapegoat had to be identified. Who appointed the members of this panel?? Brace yourself. Because, of course … It’s George Bush’s…

Patrick Unleashed!

By Justin Katz | November 19, 2009 |

Rep. Patrick Kennedy gives the impression of a politician sprinting to catch a departing train. Take as evidence of the impression the fact that Patrick Crowley loves this clip of Kennedy in action while filling his seat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee: No constituents to the right of the aforementioned progressive union…

Obama Stimulus Helps RI’s Invisible Districts

By Marc Comtois | November 17, 2009 |

Thanks to President Obama’s stimulus package, RI’s 86th Congressional District has netted $10.2 million in aid and has had 58 jobs created (or saved)! The district, which encompasses the Williams and Franklin households in Ashaway, was given funds based on a proposal to open a low footprint, “green” factory for the manufacture of 100% eco-friendly…

Counting Every Ballot

By Justin Katz | November 17, 2009 |

The one straw at which Democrats and progressives could grasp after the election was the 23rd Congressional district in New York. And grasp it, they did. “Tea Party Over?” asked a Village Voice blogger. Matt Jerzyk declared it a “HUGE” victory for the Democrats that third-party, last-minute candidate Doug Hoffman had only come within a…

So is He Claiming to be Not Disconnected?

By Monique Chartier | November 14, 2009 |

Justin references a comment by Senator Whitehouse. To finish up, Whitehouse spoke about the apparent disconnect from reality that is exhibited by the Republican Party, whether it be about health care reform, or the climate bill, or same-sex marriage. On all of these issues, Senator Whitehouse has indicated that he will vote “yea” if/when the…

Grow up

By Donald B. Hawthorne | November 4, 2009 |

Real men don’t whine and make excuses. And they don’t dither, either. ADDENDUM #1: My first comment in the Comments section: Dithering on Afghanistan while American soldiers die. Meeting multiple times with Andy Stern of SEIU while not having time to decide on Afghanistan. Calling Afghanistan the important war in March before it wasn’t the…

Looks Like a Turnaround

By Justin Katz | November 4, 2009 |

We’ll hear all sorts of contradictory analyses, in the days to come, among which will be assurances that there are no broad conclusions to be drawn, but key votes up and down the East Coast, yesterday, certainly don’t disprove the notion of a turnaround toward our nation’s Republican, conservative strain: Republican Chris Christie took the…

Scozzafava’s Parting Shot Inadvertently Revealing

By Monique Chartier | November 2, 2009 |

Whatever happens in New York’s District 23 election tomorrow, Dede Scozzafava’s endorsement of her Democrat (former) rival will only confirm the reservations The Republican nominee, State Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, on Sunday endorsed the Democrat in the race, Bill Owens, after coaxing from the White House. of her critics about her Republican/conservative credentials, especially as she…