News Media

A weatherman reports a sunny day while it storms outside

Politics This Week: The Era of Messaging

By Justin Katz | April 29, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz highlight some of the ways the local media and political establishment distort the public message.

A water drop and ripples

Government-funded journalism is a bad idea.

By Justin Katz | April 25, 2024 |

One suspects mainstream journalists don’t see this as a problem because they can’t imagine reporting any differently just because the governments they support are directly paying them money: And realistically, we’re finding in Rhode Island that government PR is such a lucrative next step for journalists that it’s more a question of whether they work…

Rising tide floods a city

Politics This Week: High Tide for Special Interests

By Justin Katz | February 19, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss unions, immigration, infrastructure, borrowing, and other ways special interests profit from government.

An old man contemplates a pit expanding to consume a city

Politics This Week: Distracted by Disaster

By Justin Katz | February 5, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz lament the lack of focus on the basics in RI government and media.

Sketch of Disaster Dan Sitcom

Politics This Week: RI’s Undeclared Disaster

By Justin Katz | January 15, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz go over the slow-rolling perpetual disaster of RI politics and government.

Reporter shocked at 19th Century public meeting

A Central Landfill meeting gives a sense of what’s being lost from media.

By Justin Katz | January 11, 2024 |

Considering how frequently I criticize professional journalists, I may too infrequently convey how powerful I think their role can (and should) be.  A recent Johnson Sunrise article by Rory Schuler, about the resignation/retirement of Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) Executive Directo Joseph Reposa, is an excellent example of what we’re losing.  Without making a gooey…

A water drop and ripples

Progressives took over academia and journalism to rewrite facts and history.

By Justin Katz | January 4, 2024 |

I wondered, the other day, whether young Americans are so much ignorant of history as they are indifferent to the truth.  Here’s another shocking datapoint in that set: Following the trail of links suggests that the culprit is not ignorance or, for that matter, indifference.  This is part of an approach.  A filmmaker (presumably of…

A bridge on fire

Politics This Week: RI’s Bridge to Self Awareness

By Justin Katz | December 19, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the moments of clarity following the Washington Bridge fiasco.

A dragon cradles three journalists

Yes, the Cicilline-run Rhode Island Foundation “investing” in journalism should be controversial.

By Justin Katz | December 5, 2023 |

It’s strange to note, but Providence Journal political reporter Kathy Gregg got some heat from others in the local media (specifically from the Boston Globe) for writing this: The political flap erupted a week after Cicilline – a leader in the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump – told the Boston Globe and more recently a…

A water drop and ripples

URI polling shows a schizophrenic public.

By Justin Katz | December 5, 2023 |

Ian Donnis tweeted, in October, some poll results from the University of Rhode Island that raise an perennially interesting point: Note that “most respondents favor increased state-level spending on education, housing, infrastructure, and aid to the poor.  73% want government “investment” in “blue economy initiatives like offshore wind.”  Yet, those with “a great deal” or…