On a Lighter Note…
Well into the night last night, early this morning, during my morning 15 minutes, and now at lunch, I’ve been working on something with the potential to blossom into a pretty big deal, so my stack of topics to address has been growing rather than shrinking. But the sun’s coming out, and it’s Friday afternoon,…
One bullet stuck out in Mark Patinkin’s latest scattered-thoughts column: It doesn’t work to seek your kids’ sympathy by saying you had a harder day than they did, because as far as they’re concerned, you’re supposed to. So true is this that it’s typically a mistake to do the hardship tit-for-tat with one’s children. Better…
From the BBC News. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is offering the chance to spend a day with her husband Bill in exchange for help paying off her campaign debt. The offer was sent to supporters of Mrs Clinton in an e-mail from her former campaign manager, James Carville. Mrs Clinton owes $2.3m (£1.5m)from…
Tonight from 8:30 – 9:30 local time has been designated as Earth Hour. THIS SATURDAY 28 MARCH AT 8.30PM YOU CAN VOTE EARTH BY SWITCHING OFF YOUR LIGHTS FOR ONE HOUR – EARTH HOUR. I myself will participate in Earth Hour but in the manner of AGW advocates. By this philosophy, one is permitted to…
I’ll see Peter Robinson’s Gene Krupa “Sing, Sing, Sing” and raise him one Duke Ellington “Cotton Tail,” although I prefer the faster-tempo version of the latter that Ellington recorded with Louis Armstrong. Speaking of Armstrong, Robinson posted an email from a reader who cited a duet of his with Danny Kaye (“When the Saints Go…
Further to Vice President Joseph Biden’s comments Looking to strike fear and compliance in the hearts of local officials, Vice President Joe Biden warns that if they use money from the economic stimulus fund to build what he regards as the wrong kind of projects, “I’ll show up in your city and say this was…
The blog on General Treasurer Frank Caprio’s Web site lists the number of references captured by Google for familiar Rhode Island names. As the post admits, results change each day, but the only way I can even come close to duplicating the numbers is to leave off the quotation marks, without which Google will return…
The Ocean State Follies will be performing at Luigi’s tonight. … okay, okay, I confess! The above plug was an excuse to run one of Charlie Hall’s recent cartoons.
In contrast to the mild reservations Justin expressed recently in a post, Weekly Standard columnist Matt Labash is fiercely anti-Facebook. But there is one promise I’ve made to myself. And that is that no matter how long I live, no matter how much pressure is exerted, no matter how socially isolated I become, I will…
Is your regular workout not doing the trick on some … holiday excess? WHJJ’s Helen Glover has found the perfect, high-intensity exercise video to help you shed those last stubborn pounds.