Rhode Island Politics

Children First

By Justin Katz | June 17, 2008 |

One hates to see children harmed, but we must face the consequences of our policies: Among the 2,800 already removed from RIte Care, just under half are illegal immigrants. But the other half have the right to be here. And all of them are children. Some, in fact, are very sick children. Neighborhood Health Plan…

Re: Station Nightclub Fire Lessons by Pravda

By Monique Chartier | June 16, 2008 |

It appears from this link that Mr. Michael DiMascolo will once again “teach” a mandatory course June 24 – 26 for the state Fire Academy to all Rhode Island Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshals, a course that will presumably include the wholesale white-washing, described by Dave Kane in my prior post, of West Warwick Fire…

Station Nightclub Fire Lessons by Pravda

By Monique Chartier | June 16, 2008 |

Mr. Michael Dimascolo Office of the RI State Fire Marshal 118 Parade St. Providence, RI 02909 Mr. Dimascolo, It has come to my attention, from several sources, that during a recent class you were giving for Deputy Fire Marshals, you had the audacity to make the statement that Fire Marshall Denis Larocque, of West Warwick,…

Secondary Priority to a Primary Constituency

By Monique Chartier | June 14, 2008 |

While I would disagree with his characterization of the proposed budget that came out of the House Finance Committee last week, Dr. Michael E. Migliori raises an interesting point in today’s Providence Journal about State Rep and Providence school teacher Steven Smith (D-Providence/Johnston). It was illuminating to see the photograph of Rep. Steven Smith, president…

Letting the Unions Win the Lottery

By Justin Katz | June 14, 2008 |

I have to admit that NEA head Bob Walsh’s proposal to give the public sector pension system “equity” from the state lottery instead of this year’s cash contribution confused me. Most prominently, I don’t see how a government that habitually spends hundreds of millions of dollars over its revenue can be presumed to need a…

Exposing Yet Another Crypto Right-Wing Stooge in State Government

By Carroll Andrew Morse | June 13, 2008 |

The Democratic Primary campaign for Governor is on over at RI Future, and that blog’s owner and creator Matt Jerzyk is already taking shots at Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts — for being too far to the right! Well, we now have our second (likely) 2010 gubernatorial candidate ([Elizabeth Roberts], in addition to Frank Caprio) who…


By Justin Katz | June 11, 2008 |

This component of the RI House budget plan is nuts: he plan also includes funding for 100 of 400 slots slated to be eliminated from the early childhood education program, Head Start. In addition, the budget restores health care coverage for all but 1,000 of more than 7,000 adults slated to lose coverage under a…

Lessons for Rhode Island from Silicon Valley: An historical reflection on an actual innovation economy

By Donald B. Hawthorne | June 11, 2008 |

With the economic crisis in Rhode Island, there is much talk (e.g., my recent post and Ian Donnis) about what it will take to generate real change and economic growth in the state. Leonard Lardaro, professor of economics at URI, offers his thoughts in a ProJo editorial Only RI Cure: Cut spending and taxes, where…

The Opposition Can Never Win if They Don’t Run…

By Carroll Andrew Morse | June 10, 2008 |

At a Providence City Republican Committee meet-the-candidates-event last evening, Providence GOP Chairman Dave Talan offered a firsthand observation on the importance of the Republican party fielding full slates of candidates, every election cycle…I like to tell a story from two years ago about my meeting with Representative Stephen Costantino from Federal Hill. On Primary Day…

Jon Scott to Run Against Patrick Kennedy

By Carroll Andrew Morse | June 9, 2008 |

The Ocean State Republican is reporting that Jon Scott will run for Congress against Patrick Kennedy in Rhode Island’s first Congressional district this cycle…Jon decided to gear up for a follow-up run for United States Congress (District 1), against Rep. Patrick “Patches” Kennedy. He is planning a very serious campaign which we are pleased to…