Rhode Island Politics

One Legislator’s Pay Raise = A Mini Legislative Grant Program?

By Monique Chartier | July 22, 2012 |

For those possibly unfamiliar with it, the Legislative Grant program is a tax dollar slush fund controlled by General Assembly leadership from which tax dollars are distributed solely by and at the discretion of leadership to benefit those legislators who have been, in the eyes of leadership, good legislative Do-Bees. We need to clarify that…

Bain, Cicilline, Reed and Whitehouse

By Carroll Andrew Morse | July 18, 2012 |

Rhode Island First District Congressman David Cicilline was quoted yesterday in a WPRO (630AM) blog item yesterday on the subject of Bain Capital’s relevance to the 2012 Presidential campaign…“I think it is pretty clear that Governor Romney was at Bain Capital and that was a key part of their strategy to be outsourcing American jobs.…

Haldeman for House 35: “allow me to represent the entire spectrum of our citizenry”

By Monique Chartier | July 17, 2012 |

Below are the first three paragraphs of the column by Jim Haldeman, candidate for RI House District 35, that I tried to poach for Anchor Rising. Haldeman, being a man of honor, tactfully declined my request because he had already committed to another outlet. So you’ll just have to finish reading it on GoLocalProv. (In…

DCCC Lies About Doherty & Beacon Mutual Role

By Marc Comtois | July 17, 2012 |

As reported by GoLocalProv’s Dan McGowan, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has a dossier on CD-1 Republican candidate Brendan Doherty that it compiled as opposition research. Creating such a report isn’t surprising, nor does it contain anything new, but it does try to re-frame items to put Doherty in the most negative light. As…

Rhode Island Faces Imminent Peril, Says the State Board of Elections

By Carroll Andrew Morse | July 10, 2012 |

According to the State Board of Elections, Rhode Island is facing “an imminent peril” to its “public health, safety, or welfare”. The imminent peril has forced the Board to call an emergency meeting to “[make] confidential the optional information on voter registrations of voters email addresses, telephone numbers and if interested as working as poll…

Oopsie! The Position Was Filled Before the Opening Was Posted

By Monique Chartier | July 4, 2012 |

Now how is the Chafee administration supposed to fake conduct the nationwide search when this happens??? (Great job exposing this, Kathy Gregg.) A belated job posting drew 115 applicants for the $88,177-a-year Chafee-administration post held by former Miss Rhode Island Allison Rogers. Rogers, whose credentials include graduate and under-graduate degrees from Harvard University, was hired…

Sorry, Speaker Fox, You Cannot Plead Ignorance About the 38 Studios Loan Guarantee

By Monique Chartier | June 30, 2012 |

Kudos, by the way, to Anchor Rising Readers Poll winner Newsmakers (WPRI 12) for landing this interview. “Did I know Curt Schilling was interested in coming to Rhode Island? Absolutely,” Fox said Friday during a taping of WPRI 12’s Newsmakers. “Did we mandate that he get $75 million? Never! Never, never, never. Did we vet…

Deadline to Declare for Public Office is Today

By Patrick Laverty | June 27, 2012 |

Just a reminder that you’re going to run for public office this year, today is the deadline to formally declare. To do that, head on down to your local Board of Canvassers or to the Secretary of State’s office and fill out some papers. Next, you’ll have to get a certain number of signatures to…

Which Office Should I Run For?

By Patrick Laverty | June 20, 2012 |

Well, I’m not even considering running for office, but quite a few other people are right now. I’m also guessing that many of them have their mind made up as to what seat to try to win. Some will decide to run for a seat in the General Assembly as they’re either tired of the…

Anchor Rising Readers Poll: Favorite Political Roundtable Show

By Marc Comtois | June 20, 2012 |

NB: THIS POLL CLOSED 6/26/2012 The second question in our Readers Poll deals with favorite Political Roundtable Show* (TV & Radio). The requirements for being put on this list were: 1) Had to be a show based in Rhode Island (so no Boston-based shows); 2) Had to focus primarily on news and political analysis with…