Rhode Island Politics
WPRO’s Bob Plain piqued my interest with his story on how the new law (PDF, pg. 145 of file) allowing cities and towns to shift municipal retirees’ from private health care plans to Medicare will save Providence about $11.5 million. I haven’t heard what sort of savings this could mean for my hometown of Warwick’s…
The arbitration bill has been made public (PDF) along with a press release explaining the rationale. A “Last Best Offer – Final Package” model has been added: The legislation changes the arbitration process to one in which the complete “Last Best Offer” from both teachers’ unions and management is considered in its entirety, as opposed…
RI Statewide Coalition’s press conference is at 3:00 in the State House Rotunda. RISC points out that Binding Arbitration means even more crushing property taxes … RHODE ISLANDERS ARE ALREADY HURTING WITH HIGH TAXES, BUT THIS UNION POWER GRAB WILL FORCE THEM FROM THEIR HOMES AND CAUSE FISCAL CHAOS IN OUR LOCAL CITIES AND TOWNS.…
Dear Representatives and Senators representing Woonsocket: I write today to express my strong opposition to the H5961 and S0794, teacher binding arbitration bills to be heard in each chamber’s Labor Committee on Wednesday. Representative Phillips and Senator Picard, as members of the labor committee in each chamber, I am asking that you vote in opposition…
Real life took me away for the better part of the last week, but major kudos to Andrew and Monique for having the stomach to both watch and blog about the annual 11th hour House budget hearings on Captitol TV. I watched a little of it, but it was late, I was sick and they…
With apologies to Andrew for breaking in here. Just returned from the State House. The House had broken for dinner when I arrived shortly before 8 pm. So, in lieu of watching the budget action on the floor, I had the pleasure of conversing at length with a gaggle of good government types – with…
Ed Fitzpatrick quotes Brendan Doherty as follows, from the Congressional candidate’s initial fundraiser: Doherty said his campaign theme will be “America First” (which is going out on a limb given the strength of the “Liechtenstein First” lobby). In emphasizing that theme, he said, “We need to reassess the billions we are spending on other countries…
The RI Tea Party sent out the following alert yesterday. Union leaders are behind the scenes looking for their quid pro quo as a result of the budget freeze on longevity payments. They are lobbying the Senate Labor Committee and all members of the Senate for the passage of binding arbitration on fiscal matters in…
Heh. Someone posted an advertisement on the free classifieds website Craigslist this month seeking to enlist Democratic challengers to Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed, a Newport Democrat up for reelection in 2012. The person who posted the ad was identified only by the e-mail address automatically generated by the website: comm-rmdy8-2436493850@craigslist.org But the person…
For the seventh year in a row, Representative Grace Diaz (D-Providence) has submitted a bill that would, as the bill language euphemistically phrases it, “exempt” illegal immigrant students “from paying nonresident tuition at Rhode Island public universities, 8 colleges or community colleges”. In other words, illegal immigrant students would be permitted to attend Rhode Island…