Rhode Island Politics

RE: Fox’s Statement on Chafee Tax Plan – Room to Wiggle?

By Marc Comtois | April 14, 2011 |

As Monique noted last night, Speaker of the House Gordon Fox came out against Governor Chafee’s sales tax plan. This morning I heard Helen Glover wondering if there was room for Fox to wiggle by keeping the 6% “flatten and broaden”. After all, Fox only specifically cited the 1% tax on new items, not the…

The Two Languages of Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | April 14, 2011 |

Monique’s appearance on last night’s Matt Allen Show focused on the distance between the people and businesses of Rhode Island and the governor and political class that presumes to lead the state… and are leading it into a ditch. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

Bewildered Leaders and a Bewitched Population

By Justin Katz | April 13, 2011 |

Calling Lincoln Chafee our “bewildered governor” and joking about the national search no doubt conducted before Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio hired the 25-year-old son of his union pal for a $90k job, Ed Achorn puts his finger on the chilling reality: Until voters hold accountable these leaders — and the legislators who put them…

First Fallout of the Chafee (Not Even Anywhere Near Implemented) Sales Tax: Taco Suspends Expansion Project

By Monique Chartier | April 12, 2011 |

The Providence Business News broke this a little earlier. Groundbreaking for a $15 million to $18 million addition at Taco Inc., originally scheduled for the end of April, has been delayed while company officials assess the impact of proposed state tax changes on the manufacturing business. According to Kyle Adamonis, senior vice president of human…

Forthright Raimondo

By Marc Comtois | April 11, 2011 |

As the ProJo profile showed on Sunday, General Treasurer Gina Raimondo is in an interesting spot. As a Democrat, she has the support of the various groups that stand underneath that party’s umbrella, particularly the progressive wing. Yet, she is viewed with caution by the biggest portion of that group, labor. They are willing to…

On When a Raise is Not a Raise

By Monique Chartier | April 10, 2011 |

When renegotiating our compensation packages, those of us in the D.P.S. (Dreaded Private Sector) will undoubtedly have far greater success if we are careful to invoke Speaker Fox’s definition and ask for a “longevity increase” rather than a raise. Fox disputes that the pay increases reported by the Journal were all due to raises. In…

Full-Time Employee of a Part-Time Legislature: Good Gig If You Can Get It

By Marc Comtois | April 7, 2011 |

After looking at the raises in the RI House, the ProJo turned it’s eyes to the RI Senate and found more raises, which Senate President Paiva-Weed defended. Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed says she sees no reason to reconsider any of the raises…As she explains it, the full picture includes: A delayed pay raise.…

The Crapola of Simple Math

By Justin Katz | April 6, 2011 |

Ken Block comments in response to my post suggesting that the state government that has him considering a move out of state is one that he helped bring about: Enough of this unsubstantiated crapola about me costing Robitaille the election. He lost on his own accord by doing nothing to appeal to the centrist voter.…

Block Edges Toward the Border

By Justin Katz | April 5, 2011 |

It seems as if Rhode Island’s current government is pushing Moderate Party founder and gubernatorial candidate Ken Block toward an extreme: Every year at this time, my accountant looks me in the eye and says I’m nuts to own a business in Rhode Island. … A 6 percent hit to my bottom line is more…

No New Taxes. Period.

By Monique Chartier | April 1, 2011 |

As the General Assembly begins to consider the governor’s budget, Riborn hits the nail precisely under Marc’s post: No increases. Nothing. No new taxes. No new fees. No fee increases. Cut spending. Cut muni employee salaries, benefits, increase their medical insurance %, increase pension contributions of every state and municipal employee. It isn’t just that…