Rhode Island Politics
The latest Side of the Rhode hot/not list tipped me to something that nearly slipped by me: Well-known attorney Matthew Jerzyk will serve as Mayor-elect Angel Taveras’ director of government relations and senior counsel to the mayor. … Jerzyk will coordinate the city’s legislative agenda with the City Council, state and federal government. He is…
It seems as if something has significantly changed in electoral politics — or else, that something that has been changing crossed into a visible field of light. The most striking example may have been in Alaska, where Senator Lisa Murkowski rejected the decision of the Republican Party’s primary voters and ran as a write-in candidate,…
I’ve got the third offering in Ted Nesi’s week-long series of letters of advice to Governor-elect Lincoln Chafee: Cynical political observers might suggest that Chafee should take a lesson from Politics 101 and host short, pointless meetings with his issue-by-issue opposition in order to deflate their claims of exclusion. The governor-elect’s problem goes deeper than…
Ian Donnis reports that the voice of Chafee, Michael Trainor, may not be on board for the job post-inauguration: Michael Trainor, who managed Lincoln Chafee’s winning gubernatorial campaign after the departure of J.R. Pagliarini — and who had been expected to serve as communications director in the Chafee administration — might not be staying with…
Today’s Yesterday’s ProJo Political Scene reports that the following recipe was handed out, attached to a large candy cane, to guests at a party recently held by Governor-elect Chafee. (It was Senate President Paiva-Weed who shared hers with the Political Scene.) “One 10-pound satchel of HONESTY … A gallon of LISTENING … Three quarts of…
An interesting juxtaposition. Reading around the Internet, yesterday, I came across Ed Morrissey’s observation that all ten states that lost seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are majority Democrat states: Michael Barone’s analysis probably comes closest to the truth: low-tax states attract larger populations, while high-tax, high-regulatory states tend to lose people. That also…
Andrew reviewed some of the budget suggestions on display at last week’s budget summit on the Matt Allen Show last night. Stream by clicking here, or download it. The insights available through Andrew’s liveblog of that event (here, here, and here) illustrate well the ability of Anchor Rising to collect and analyze the likely strategies…
This is the sort of claim that begs for a well-researched response: “The data … clearly illustrates the need for more affordable homes in the Ocean State,” said Nellie M. Gorbea, executive director of HousingWorks. “As lawmakers convene in January, it is imperative that they fund affordable-housing programs like the Neighborhood Opportunities Program … to…
Former Judge Mark A. Pfeiffer, appointed as receiver for troubled Central Falls, has come out with his recommendation (PDF): merge Central Falls with Pawtucket (via 7to7). “The problems are so severe that they cannot be solved solely through efficiencies and additional revenue at the city level,” he wrote. ” … state action is required if…
For those interested, HERE is a working list of all of the earmarks contained in the lame duck FY2011 budget. I assume it will be continually updated as required (hence, the “working”). I’ve also broken out the RI earmarks from messr’s Reed, Whitehouse, Langevin and Kennedy and you can download it HERE. All told, according…