Rhode Island Politics

RIGOP “All In” for Healey as Lt. Guv

By Marc Comtois | September 17, 2010 |

According to the ProJo, GOP Candidate for Lt. Governor Heidi Rodgers is going to pull out, leaving the way clear for Cool Moose Party Candidate Bob Healey. Rogers said she was dropping out to give Healey a better chance of winning because “Bob Healey and I believe in the same vision for the office of…

Peculiar Primary

By Justin Katz | September 16, 2010 |

On last night’s Matt Allen Show, Monique and Matt discussed some of the peculiar happenings of the primary. Stream by clicking here, or download it.

Progressive Uprising Ousts Incumbent Legislative Dems

By Marc Comtois | September 15, 2010 |

Scott McKay’s analysis confirms my anecdotal observation that the Progressive/Labor wing of the Democratic party had a successful night. The only real throw-the-bums out anger came from the Democratic left, not the GOP right. And it was in General Assembly elections. Nine House Democratic incumbents were tossed from office on a day when the progressive…

Polls are Closed Half an Hour ‘Til Poll Closing

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 14, 2010 |

Consider this an open thread for observations & predictions for primary day… [11:29] Incumbent Democrat Michael Pinga (who upset former Senate Finance Committee Chairman Steven Alves in the last election) holds on to beat his challenger Peter Calci in District 9, 52.8% – 47.2%. [11:26] Lombardo over Conti in Johnston Senate District 25, by 13…

So That Nobody Hasn’t Been Warned

By Justin Katz | September 14, 2010 |

Just in time for election season, I’ve finally managed to read Travis Rowley’s The Rhode Island Republican. For good reason, the largest portion of the forty-page pamphlet addresses unions, specifically public-sector unions, primarily in context of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”: In 1966, two Columbia University political scientists, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, penned an…

Barely “Factual”

By Justin Katz | September 5, 2010 |

The Providence Journal’s still-new PolitiFact feature, with the market-hook Truth-o-Meter has generally been worth a perusal and sometimes a thorough read, although I’ve thought the journalists behind it could shoot for bigger targets much of the time. For today’s review of a statement by state rep. and congressional candidate John Loughlin (R., Tiverton), though, they…

If the Mayor of Providence is So Easily Confused About What He Has and Has Not Signed, Perhaps It’s Not Such a Good Idea to Send Him to Congress

By Monique Chartier | September 4, 2010 |

[From GoLocalProv.com.] So during the ABC6 debate, Mayor Cicilline was asked if he would sign a pledge to support the Fair Elections Now Act … Cicilline responded, “I’ve already done that.” “You’ve already signed the pledge?” Segal said “Yes,” Cicilline replied. Oops, no, he didn’t. Cicilline is not listed as one of the signatories online…

38 Studios Loan Guarantee: the General Treasurer Pivots, Then Switches to Offense

By Monique Chartier | August 31, 2010 |

Further to Andrew’s post. Remember that it was just last month that the G.T. was telling Ian Donnis that he favors the Schilling deal. Now, however, R.I. General Treasurer Frank T. Caprio said Tuesday he is attempting to block the state’s $75 million loan guarantee promised to Curt Schilling’s video game company, urging the rating…

Laffey Leaves

By Marc Comtois | August 30, 2010 |

Well, it’s old news now, but Steve Laffey and family have up and moved to Colorado. In May — a month after he canceled a Tea Party speaking engagement in Rhode Island — Laffey paid $2 million for a four-bedroom home in Fort Collins. An MLS listing states that the house was sold on May…

Robert Healey, On the Diffusion of his Lieutenant Governor’s Platform

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 23, 2010 |

At Saturday’s Tenth Amendment rally at the Rhode Island Statehouse, I had the chance to interview Robert Healey on a number of different subjects. The crassly-political subject was his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor. I asked Mr. Healey about what he thought of the fact that both Republican candidate Heidi Rogers and Democratic candidate Jeremy Kapstein…