Rhode Island Politics
The best indication that Governor Carcieri’s decision on whether to veto or sign the General Assembly’s modified supplemental budget comes in today’s Projo story on the Senate’s vote yesterday: “It was an issue that without making restorations in municipal aid, the House apparently was not going to be able to pass a budget,” [Senate Finance…
It isn’t until one attempts to score people’s influence and power that it becomes clear what separates the tiers — and what an opportunity and responsibility having the spotlight can be. By virtue of their offices, our top 2 are well ahead of the rest of the pack, and unless conservatives (or otherwise right-of-center players)…
… which started early afternoon and ended around 10:00 pm. I attended the last two hours. A substantive description, courtesy the ProJo, of the budget as it will go to the Senate is available here. > One of my favorite moments during the debate last came when Gordon Fox snapped at Bob Watson, “Sit down…
Our ranking continues with a battle of the media, in a sense, the old media and the… well… young adult media. Among the interesting factors that are likely to affect this list by its next iteration will be trends in how people consume their news and commentary. For the time being, though, that folded paper…
Used to be I’d bring a sandwich, an apple, a beverage, and a packaged lunch dessert. I’ve been down to a sandwich and apple for quite a while now, although sometimes I’ll substitute leftovers for the sandwich. Such is the daily routine for millions of Americans, especially during harder times: pack a lunch, usually a…
This batch of right-of-center Rhode Islanders stands as evidence that disaggregating subjectivity can have unpredictable results. If we had been satisfied to wing our list without settling on criteria, one the following three members of the top 10 would have been lower, one would have been higher, and one probably wouldn’t have made the list…
Last week, we began a conversation about how one would gauge the top 10 conservative Rhode Islanders. To be sure, the conversation didn’t stay on topic very long, but it did spark some discussion among the contributors. Once we defined criteria and a scoring system, we felt capable of providing a veneer of objectivity to…
… as promised. House Republicans have suggested that representatives who vote in favor of the General Assembly’s pending supplemental budget send the following letter to the city or town which they represent. (A press release is public, right? Okay, then.) April 1, 2009 Dear Town Council President /Mayor; I wanted to drop you a quick…
… in a Press Release of today. House Minority Leader Robert A. Watson (R-Dist.30 East Greenwich, West Greenwich) and the members of the House Minority Caucus today said that tax increases and the failure to provide our cities and towns management rights advocated by Governor Carcieri are unacceptable. “House Republicans have drawn a line in…
As Ian Donnis points out in his new WRNI blogging home, tomorrow’s Newsmakers show (5:30 a.m. on 12, 10 a.m. on 11) features Travis Rowley and Meghan Grady — he a Young Republican, she a Young Democrat — and Republican Representative John Loughlin. Word is that reference is made to Anchor Rising.