RI Political Corruption

More Commentary on Stephen Iannazzi

By Justin Katz | June 9, 2011 |

My situation may be unique (although I doubt it), but one of the consequences of Rhode Island’s political and economic structure is that it is so darn difficult just to get by and raise a family that little time remains to keep a consistently watchful eye on local political corruption. Such has been the case…

First Responses to DiPalma Inquiry

By Justin Katz | May 31, 2011 |

The responses have begun to trickle in to my inquiry about the support that Sen. Louis DiPalma (D, Little Compton, Tiverton, Portsmouth, Middletown, Newport) has expressed for Senate Majority Leader Dominique Ruggerio’s hiring of a union pal’s son at a very high salary. So far, I’ve sent (or attempted to send) variations of the following…

Sleepy Public Construction Methods

By Justin Katz | May 6, 2011 |

I’ve had occasion to drive through the construction site of the new Sakonnet River Bridge in Tiverton quite a bit, lately, and no matter how many times I see it, I never fail to be impressed with the structural inefficiency of the work habits. The other day, I saw three employees gabbing over two who…

But Who Dropped the Anchor?

By Justin Katz | May 6, 2011 |

RI General Treasurer Gina Raimondo uses an apt metaphor to describe the significance of the state’s public pension problem: “If you remember one thing from me this afternoon, remember this,” Raimondo said, speaking bluntly: “fixing this state’s pension system is not an issue, it is the issue. Our state retirement debt is an anchor holding…

The 25-Year-Old Keeping the Senate Together

By Justin Katz | May 5, 2011 |

To hear RI Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio (D, Providence) tell it, Rhode Island’s legislature is practically run by 25-year-old Stephen Iannazzi (son of the highest-paid union boss in the state… in the same union for which Mr. Ruggerio makes a hefty salary, as well): Mr. Iannazzi showed extreme competence and was an invaluable asset…

The Advantaged Class at the Town Level, Too

By Justin Katz | May 3, 2011 |

Providence Journal reporter Mark Reynolds dipped into the pension situation in Johnston, on Sunday, focusing on this case: Fire Lt. William R. Jasparro was 41 when he ended his 20-year career as a Johnston firefighter in 1990. Jasparro’s retirement package paid him about $18,255 per year [with cost of living adjustments] — based on half…

A Rhode Island Story

By Justin Katz | April 28, 2011 |

Ed Achorn was intrigued enough by (as his title puts it) “The 25-year-old high school grad with the $88,112 job” to have asked around for the fuller story surrounding Stephen Iannazzi, newly appointed “special assistant” to RI Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio. His report is characterized, most significantly, by the closed doors and unreturned calls…

Meet the New Toady, Same as the Old

By Justin Katz | April 19, 2011 |

Charles Wales, of Cranston, makes the argument that they were, indeed, the bad old days back before public-sector unionization: Yes, they were indeed bad times: Elected and many non-elected persons held sway over municipal departments. Favors, assignments and promotions were granted, often without the smallest indication that merit was considered. Lackeys, sycophants and toadies were…

Pensions from the Top

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2011 |

This paragraph from a weekend PolitFact points to the really disturbing part of news about $100,000-plus pension payments: The Wisconsin report didn’t compare starting retirement salaries. It simply catalogued the elements each state used to calculate the amount. To do the calculation, you take a worker’s final average salary (usually the average of the last…

Baby Steps to Good Government

By Justin Katz | March 22, 2011 |

Don’t get me wrong; it’s great to see any movement toward improving the way the General Assembly does business, but it does seem like a deliberately slow, small-step process: With the hold-for-further-study language still intact, the new rules ultimately passed by a vote of 63 to 5. Among the changes: House votes must be posted…