Seeding the Grass Roots
We’ve said this around here, well, forever. Justin even gave it a shot in Tiverton and exposed the depth of depravity of the true political insiders. But that the road can be tough shouldn’t dissuade conservatives and moderates from seeking elected office and making some local change. As Stephen Kruiser writes: It’s important for more…
It seems we’re seeing increasing numbers of videos of the progressive elite being heckled by bystanders, such as this one of a pompously garbed Hillary Clinton being called a “war criminal” in Northern Ireland as a retro-garbed child carries the trail of her gown (or cape, or whatever). Two thoughts. First: but for social media,…
First, scroll down and read Monique’s postings on Rep. Spencer Dickinson. Then… The topics of hope and hopelessness pervaded this weekend’s readings, from absurd labor rules in schools, to the likely outcome of Make It Happen, to Spencer Dickinson’s insider view, and then to Sandra Fluke.
Politicos and policy wonks have been parsing every major speech offered at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, each with his or her own lens. (The exception is MSNBC, which apparently declined to parse several speeches by ethnic minorities.) Some have commented on the gender-war content of Ann Romney’s statements; some have focused on…
Thanks to the General Assembly, the new Sakonnet River Bridge gets a toll booth next June. The cost one way will be $4; $.83 for residents with an EZ pass. It seems to me pretty unfair to suddenly drop tolls on everyone in an area where no tolls had previously been. Tolls are one of…
And, of course, no Tea Party Rally photoentry is complete without some shots showing the size of the crowd…
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, whose views on freedom of speech are generally considered to have been significantly influenced by Professor Zechariah Chafee, wrote in a 1927 opinion that…If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is…
Further to my point about a new political wave starting local, the landscape of Rhode Island politics stands as a stark example and testing ground: … while the state has been trying to work through the desperate finances of its smallest city [Central Falls], it has also been working with three other economically distressed communities…