Seeding the Grass Roots
No coverage of a Tea Party event would be complete without some information on the crowd size. This is from a little after 3:30… From about 4:30… (Say hi to possible GA candidate Richard Rodi in the lower right hand corner). …and the crowd was still the same size or larger, by ten-past 5:00… And…
I got tied up working in Newport, today, but Andrew’s at the State House sending me photos from the Tax Day Tea Party.
Last week, current RI Future proprietor Brian Hull linked to a Boston Phoenix article authored by David S. Bernstein titled “Tea is for Terrorism”; Brian Hull chose a similar headline for his post, “Tea is for Terror”. Early on, the article warns of a potential terrorist strike in the U.S….[I]t would almost be surprising if…
With a big picture of RI Tea Party organizer Colleen Conley clearly caught in the act of that dangerous right-wing activity of listening to somebody speak, Ed Achorn puts forward a theory about whom the tea party types actually are: … because middle-class Americans, for as long as I can remember, have been too busy…
A Canadian blogger named Scaramouche supplies the perfect answer to the baseless charge that Tea Partiers are racist (the latest to do so, regretfully, being the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts). We chit-chatted for a bit about Jews, American and Canadian, and their tendency to vote liberal (and Liberal) no matter what, until we…
Theodore Gatchel raises the operative question with regard to the reaction to the content and process of the new healthcare legislation: On the positive side, the process the Democrats have used to pass this legislation appears to have caused more Americans than ever to read the Constitution. The more they read it, the more they…
Slipping in at the end of Wednesday’s Rhode Island Voter Coalition Meet the Candidates event, General Assembly candidate Michael Grassi got to go it solo for a bit and managed to run out the battery on my camcorder. (Click the “continue reading” link for more video.)
The candidates for the second Congressional district had a lively time at Wednesday’s Rhode Island Voter Coalition Meet the Candidates event. The more contentious segments is the third in this post. (Click the “continue reading” link for more video.)
The only candidate for lieutenant governor who was able to make it to Wednesday’s Rhode Island Voter Coalition Meet the Candidates event was Robert Healey, who treated the audience to an edifying and entertaining monologue. (Click the “continue reading” link for more video.)