War on Terror
According to Ian Donnis‘ Not for Nothing blog, a group of legislators and activists are getting together on this Tax Day to make the claim that just about every major problem Rhode Islanders face today (the state deficit, healthcare, our mediocre education system, the beginnings of a recession, etc.) have today could have been solved,…
This is a point worth making over and over again: [Iraqis] were willing to help us, but they are not a stupid people. They know that if they commit to the American side and the Americans abandon them as we did in 1991, it means death for them and their families. They know this, and…
At the Taubman Center panel on the Rhode Island budget crisis I attended at Brown University a few weeks ago, several members of the audience attempted to attribute at least part of the state deficit to Federal cut-backs in domestic spending forced by the costs of fighting in the Iraqi theater in the War on…
Perchance I wasn’t alone among readers of Saturday’s Projo opinion pages in recalling Mac’s piece on NRO back in 2004: In fact, the entire Winter Soldiers Investigation was a lie. It was inspired by Mark Lane’s 1970 book entitled Conversations with Americans, which claimed to recount atrocity stories by Vietnam veterans. This book was panned…
Some folks see a headline screaming “no link” and run with the statement, claiming vindication and calling for investigations into the president’s supposed war crimes. Other folks look more closely at the report (PDF) and notice such things as the abstract: Captured Iraqi documents have uncovered evidence that links the regime of Saddam Hussein to…
Reading about Iran Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq makes me wonder for whom he’s routing in the American election, this year: In tone and body language, Ahmadinejad’s message during his visit was clear. The United States does not belong in Iraq; Iran does. Iran can and will help in the reconstruction of Iraq, a…
Anyone who thinks the idea of Islamofascism is a recent invention will be surprised by the series of quotes from early 20th century intellectuals linking Islam with totalitarianism upturned by Providence-area native Andrew Bostom. Here’s a quote from Carl Jung, described by Bostom as the “founder of analytical psychiatry”…We do not know whether Hitler is…
One of the people in the First Lady’s Box at last night’s State of the Union Address was Army Staff Sgt. Craig Charloux, and old high school friend of mine from Maine. He couldn’t make our 20th reunion this past summer because he was in Iraq. Here’s more about Craig: After leaving the military, Charloux…
Senator Jack Reed is in Iraq assessing the situation. While revising his earlier view of the surge strategy — too small and too gradual to work, he said when Mr. Bush proposed it last January — Reed said he stands by his prescription for the path ahead in Iraq: a U.S. declaration of policy that…
In the October 11, 2006 issue of Lancet Magazine appeared a well publicized study of “excess Iraqi deaths” which occurred after the 2003 invasion. For the period March, 2003 – July, 2006, it placed that total at 654,965, of which 601,027 were attributed to violence. Scepticism was voiced by a few on the face of…