
A water drop and ripples

This ought to be the dominant rule on teaching “white privilege.”

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

We need to order some of this attitude from across the Pond: The British government has instructed schools not to “teach contested theories and opinions as fact,” including contested views about so-called “white privilege.” The government on Thursday published its response to a report from the UK Parliament’s Education Select Committee, which said that the…

American flag in a field at sunset

Three types of rights cast a shadow on RI’s current situation.

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

Locally, the Rhode Island opposition (such as it is) is grappling with the shifting ground of our rights. Presumably, for example, parents have a right to send their children to schools that do not provide pornographic material to them and to demand a reversal via school committee meetings when that reasonable expectation is not met. …

A water drop and ripples

We have to stop taking offense at the drop of a feather.

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

Here’s the key paragraph in this Epoch Times article about a California teacher who’s been put on leave after wearing a paper headdress and dancing in a (let’s say) indigenous fashion to drive home a math lesson: “It is damaging and disheartening to see Native American and indigenous culture represented in such a trite and…

A child being vaccinated

Injecting small children is where I get off the COVID vaccination train.

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

Pfizer is claiming a diluted version of its COVID-19 vaccine is more than 90% effective among small children, but the numbers in its study implicitly raise the question of whether it’s necessary: A Pfizer study tracked 2,268 kids in that age group who got two shots three weeks apart of either a placebo or the…

A water drop and ripples

Flood insurance looks like a looming surge in the bite of climate alarmism.

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

This shift in the calculation of and requirements for flood insurance will be something to keep an eye on: For the first time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is about to incorporate climate risk into the cost of flood insurance. The impact will be a dramatic increase in the cost of flood insurance. In…

Robin Williams charts poetry in Dead Poets Society

The woke measure everything with the wobbly ruler by which they judged poetry (and killed it).

By Justin Katz | October 22, 2021 |

Since human beings are wired to measure and compare, we are susceptible demands to judge things of less-overt merit by something other than merit that is measurable, like the skin color of the participants. 

A water drop and ripples

Private sector jobs were down in RI in September, partly owing to health care workers.

By Justin Katz | October 21, 2021 |

The RI Department of Labor and Training has changed the way it reports monthly labor information. But one notable observation is that the number of payroll jobs based in Rhode Island actually fell from August to September.  Total jobs went up, however, owing to big increases in state and local government jobs. The industries that…

A water drop and ripples

Funny how political defenestrations only ever go one way.

By Justin Katz | October 21, 2021 |

Expressing a view on a political or social issue can be harmful to your career, if it isn’t of the progressive-approved variety: The CEO of an American video game developer stepped down after he issued a statement supportive of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of a law in Texas that bans abortions after…

Apartment buildings

The evicted mother’s story reveals much more that our society needs work on.

By Justin Katz | October 21, 2021 |

One difficulty with assessing sympathetic stories associated with public policy debates (and the reason advocates actively seek and promote them) is that they short circuit rational discussion about tradeoffs.  The position of seeming to lack sympathy is so uncomfortable that the public debate leaves important details unraised and, typically, the villain is assigned to be…

A water drop and ripples

We need to restore the sense of going out for adventure.

By Justin Katz | October 21, 2021 |

While he goes a bit far in framing ’80s dance parties as a path to God, Mark Judge makes a great point, here: Going out was a long ride uninterrupted by texts, which didn’t exist, or phone calls, because phone booths were hard to find. The experience formed a kind of meditation. The professional world…