As you have undoubtedly noticed, the price of gasoline has risen sharply since January and heating bills are expected to jump by as much as 54% this winter. The cause is Economics 101: inadequate supply is driving up price. In fact, one of President Biden’s senior energy advisors has acknowledged this and called on non-American…
As he so often does, Instapundit Glenn Reynolds states briefly a key takeaway from the media and public handling of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial: The goal of the left is to create an environment in which its people are encouraged to be violent without consequences, while their victims are denied the right to respond.
Unfortunately, the unusual thing about the latest off-campus attack of a Providence College student is not the attack itself. Here’s what happened, as reported by Sarah Doiron and Matt Paddock for WPRI: The Minnesota native’s father, Anthony, who asked that his daughter not be identified out of concern for her safety, said she was walking…
If you’ve followed political punditry much over the past couple decades, you know how significant it is that Matthew Yglesias and Andrew Sullivan are both questioning the conclusion drawn from a recent Center for American Progress survey: A recent nationally representative survey conducted by the Center for American Progress found that LGBTQI+ members of Generation…
John DePetro has another photo of a group of young people disembarking from a plane at Quonset airport and boarding a bus in the dead of night. He asks good questions: A flight arrives shortly before 1:AM from Kansas? Who got off the C130 in Quonset? Why are they arriving late at night or early…
While this view is not shared by all of my compatriots on the right, particularly those inclined to engage in political, social, and cultural battles, I’m a firm believer that in this arena, you cannot fight fire with fire. Consider the aphorism that one should never wrestle with pigs, because one only gets dirty and…
It shows you the power of the mainstream media to dictate what world people think they live in that even paying as much attention to this stuff as I do, I missed the second of three election-related stories the mainstream media downplayed, according to Ben Johnson: The legacy media celebrated India Walton, a self-described socialist…
Roger Simon asks Republican Congresswoman (and pharmacist) Diana Harshbarger a question pondered often in this space: So she was a perfect person to ask why she thought the Democrats—aka “The Party of Science,” or so our learned president tells us—ignores natural immunity in favor of taking a militant stand on mandates. Rep. Harshbarger’s reply: “When it…
Campaign finance law is one area in which contrarianism is certainly justified. Imposing detailed accounting requirements for every candidate for every office, whether executive or legislative, at every level of government, whether volunteer or paid, is simply a regulatory disincentive for people to become involved. Nobody will be surprised to learn my opinion that the…
Even in the pre-woke days of the 1990s, when I went to college, the traditional English curriculum was already giving way to identity politics. More than one teacher for more than one class assigned books by Anzia Yezierska, which were good but not that good and which tended to tell the same story over and over…