Denmark Burning
Ah the idyllic land of Northern Europe, to which the world’s eyes turn for a vision of society as it ought to be:
Groups of youths torched schools and cars in a sixth consecutive night of violence across Denmark, mostly in immigrant neighborhoods, police said yesterday. Forty-three persons were arrested.
The spate of vandalism started last weekend and some think it intensified with the reproduction of a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers Wednesday.
“Some observers said immigrant youths were protesting against perceived police harassment, and suggested the reprinting of the cartoon may have aggravated the situation.” Roger Kimball’s got some suggestions, too:
One thing we all do know is that Muslims are “offended” by depictions of the Muhammad. In fact, the list of the things Muslims are offended by would take over a culture. They don’t like ice-cream that (used to be) distributed by Burger King because a decoration on the lid looked like (sort of) the Arabic script for “Allah.” They are offended by “pig-related items, including toys, porcelain figures, calendars and even a tissue box featuring Winnie the Pooh and Piglet” appearing in the workplace. They take umbrage at describing Islamic terrorism as, well, Islamic terrorism and have managed to persuade Gordon Brown to rename it “anti-Islamic activity.” But here’s the thing: one of the features of living in a modern, secular democracy is that there is always plenty of offense to go around. No Muslim is more offended by cartoons of their Prophet than I am by their barbaric reaction to the cartoons. But their reaction when offended is to torch an embassy, shoot a nun, or knife a filmmaker. I write a column deploring such behavior. You see the difference.
Final moronic comment from Reuters: “Social workers said the arrests, the reprinting of the cartoon and protests against its appearance might have fuelled the riots.” You don’t say? How many social workers did it take to figure that out?
There’s much work left to do, apparently, kicking such Westerners as supply the culture of the world’s news services out of their dogged fetal position. One gets the impression that many hope that electing the right president will allow Americans to join the Europeans in donning the armor of PC pieties. Then, in our much deserved vacation from history, we’ll all be able to go back to marveling at the wonder of gay marriage from the North to the Baltic Seas.
Until, of course, the next building falls or, God save us, our first city evaporates.
“we’ll all be able to go back to marveling at the wonder of gay marriage from the North to the Baltic Seas.”
Not so fast. Homosexuality is not approved by Islam. Perhaps this should be the next area to kow tow.
Imagine the howls if it were Christian “yout’s” rampaging through a European city. Instead, because it’s “ABC” (anything but Christianity), the response from certain quarters is a tolerance that is both dangerous and condescending.
On the positive side, we would be remiss if we did not applaud that newspaper for standing up for the concepts of free speech and a free press by re-running those cartoons. Not everyone in the press is in the fetal position. (Good use of that expression, Justin.)
The West is killing itself in a sea of multiculalism, open borders, abortion, atheism, consumerism, “trophy” children and rectal romance.
As Brazil has gone, so is the US. As the US is going, so will Europe. By the end of the century Iceland may be the only country in the world where the majority of live births are to whites. US will reach that milestone by 2011.
I also applaud the Danish paper for not kowtowing to the thugs of Islamic fundamentalism. Now let’s hope England stands up to that judge who wants Sharia law in his country.
As for the post above mine, all I will say is: please don’t feed the troll.
I’m having difficulty understanding how you link an example of a free and courageous press to gay marriage. What exactly is the point? My initial reaction is that the link is so tenuous that you must have some kind of obsession with the topic.
>>our first city evaporates
While certainly not wishing it to happen, as a theoretical question, do you think that the “progressives” will finally get the picture if Hollywood is targeted!
After all, it is the place exporting the decadent western culture.
I wonder what Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn and all the rest would have to say if their beloved Hollywood was turned into molten glass?
Oh yeah – “it’s George Bush’s fault.”
Spoken like a true Islamic fundamentalist, Ragin’.
Maybe the alliance between the American right wing and the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center isn’t just the product of paranoia.
–Spoken like a true Islamic fundamentalist, Ragin’.
Maybe the alliance between the American right wing and the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center isn’t just the product of paranoia.
Yeah, uh, whatever you say Rhody.
And perhaps, like Ms. Obama, you’ll have a midlife experience of losing your “proud of my country” virginity.
“Maybe the alliance between the American right wing and the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center isn’t just the product of paranoia.”
What?! Citation, please?
Also, please advise whether or not fire melts steel.
>>What?! Citation, please?
Rosie O’Donnell.
I get a kick out of conservatives who suddenly adopt the views and language of Muslim fundamentalists.
I’m not really into conspiracy theory, but just think about this: For Bush and bin Laden, their power relied on their ability to instill fear of the other into their constituents. Whether by design or not, bin Laden got Bush re-elected in ’04.