The Goal Is to Silence, Not to Oppose
The opposition went to the immigration law enforcement rally, last Friday, dressed humorously to distract from their underlying intent, which is to prevent the public from hearing or understanding an argument with which they disagree:
Suddenly, demonstrators in polyester clown suits filed through security and entered the State House rotunda, carrying signs that said, “Clown Power,” and “Clowntocracy.”
At that point, the “Clowns for Immigration Law Enforcement” outnumbered Palumbo-bill supporters, whose critical mass never exceeded 50.
The clowns mocked the speakers with whoops and applause: “Peter Palumbo! Clown in Chief!” “Peter Palumbo! Clown in Chief!” “When I say ‘Clown!’ You say ‘Power!'”
It’s not surprising that, in the middle of a work day, it’s easier to raise a crowd opposed to enforcing immigration law than supportive of it. More to the point, the intention here — as with protestors at the recent rally hosted by the National Organization for Marriage, in Providence — is to make it more difficult for a public conversation to be had.
Take away the “clown,” and all they’re shouting is “power.”
“Anytime you throw too much of anything in our pot; it’s no longer a melting pot. It’s become contaminated by a particular population and that is altering the makeup of the United States.” Trillo said he was referring to Hispanics, but that could apply equally “to French, or Italians” or any other population that upset the equation.
Nothing funny about this comment from one of the bill’s sponsor. Comments like Trillo’s of not wanting people of a specific ethnic group “contaminating” the population was heard in places such as Rwanda and Serbia in the last couple of decades.
Palumbo and Trillo got exactly what they deserved. The clowns weren’t the ones dressed up in the polyester suits with the rainbow wigs, they were wearing business suits and pretending to be thoughtful legislators.
Phil & OTL:I wasn’t there because I have no interest in political theater.
I have to say to both of you in all seriousness:If you think it’s alright to enforce only the laws that you agree with,please refrain from ever referring to the “rule of law” again.
Bosnia and Rwanda are prime examples of what happens when situational ethics(or lack thereof)deatroy the rule of law and things devolve with the worst case scenario often occuring.
The “clown” contingent are always engaged in ennobling people of whatever background who just trample on our laws.
Maybe you both want amnesty and open borders-fine-try to get it through legislation-and if(hopefully) you can’t,just learn to live with the results.
And if you have a problem with Joe Trillo,tell it to him.
Don’t try coming back at me about it since I never made such a comment.
To me it’s the lack of control over immigration,a basic function of the Federal government,which has been ignored for the most part since 1976,which is disturbing,not the skin shade of those here illegally.
Actually there are a lot of people here illegally who aren’t “brown”.
I don’t agree with Justin too often but his statement that “…in the middle of a work day, it’s easier to raise a crowd opposed to enforcing immigration law than supportive of it” is right on. I work on the streets of Providence and see evidence of this each and every day!
There seems to be a growing incidence of members of Congress being SHOUTED DOWN at town hall events by TEA PARTY PROTESTORS Those tactics will likely become much more common. one tea-party friendly group has disseminated a strategy memo , outlining what they consider best-practices for protesters who plan to enter and DISRUPT town hall events hosted by members of Congress
“pack the hall… spread out” to make their numbers seem more significant, and to “rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation…to YELL OUT and challenge the Rep’s statements early…. to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda…stand up and SHOUT and sit right back down.”
Clearly an example of liberal bias in the media! I mean honestly, who can tell one set of clowns from the next?
I say Trillo and Palumbo got what they deserved because I see them as trying to make political hay out of a delicate situation by grandstanding. They were engaged in political theater and they got political theater as a response. The immigration issue is still being debated, has yet to be decided. What exactly is the “rule of law” in this case since Arizona says one thing and the federal government (Yes, Virginia; there is a federal government) says another. I think you lept to a conclusion, premature political ejaculation you might say.
Your pal,
Sammy, what exactly is a “tea party friendly group”? Vague accusations without any substance typify the leftist response to the tea party movement. None of it sticks.
Alternatively, have you ever been to a political debate here in RI in which the unions pack the venue and create a huge raucous during their opponent’s time to speak? Just wondering, because that’s fact, not fiction.
Sammy lies. Tea Party members and other conservatives did not engage in “shouting down” tactics at the town halls.
Leftist agitators use “shouting down” regularly as one of their first tactics when someone they oppose is speaking.
Both sides have bozos that speak out of turn and shout each other down. We’ve all seen it. It’s usually the crazies, but there are crazies on both sides.
As for the note about what populations you can rustle-up during business hours:
A lot of my progressive friends are pretty easy to find during the days and nights: Coffee shops and bars, respectively. I still haven’t figured out how to live without an income, so I schlep it to work fifty hours a week.
I’ll bet Justin has a lot to say about a generation of twenty-somethings who seem to be more interested in having fun than generating and accumulating wealth and stability, but that’s a conversation for another day.
I think Joe Trillo’s remarks are his but unfortunately not his alone for there are those who agree with him. I do not think that you are in agreement with him that certain ethnic groups should be restricted from legal immigration to this country. Or am I in error?
Sammy lies. Tea Party members and other conservatives did not engage in “shouting down” tactics at the town halls.
Leftist agitators use “shouting down” regularly as one of their first tactics when someone they oppose is speaking.
Posted by BobN
BobN… Go to YouTube.com …Type Tea Party into the “search Box” you will find HUNREDS of videos of
Pee-Party folks, “shouting down” Town Halls”
and yes
Lefties also do it
note: I did NOT call you a liar
Be Well
With Love
Imam Sammy
Apache Junction, Arizona
Justin gets bent out of shape by people wearing clown costumes at a political event, but his sensitivities do not seem to be disturbed by people carrying signs depicting the president as the Joker or Hitler. Very selective sensibilities I would say! Some would make the case for blatant hypocrisy.
Phil-I have neevr believed that any ethnic/racial group should be restricted
from admission as immigrants through legal means.
On the other hand,I do agree with restricting non-immigrant visas to those people who don’t seem likely to violate the terms of admission or who come from areas of high intensity terrorist activity.
I don’t believe we have any obligation whatsoever to anyone who violated the immigration laws any more than we have an obligation to people who shoplift.
This is not a “delicate”issue as OTL tries to claim-our laws are pretty clear.
I’m not worried about the “complexion” of the USA changing,but I want immigrants who come here to reside permanently to have an attachment to this country and become citizens.
Enclaves of non-English speakers with little involvement outside their communities is no good for anyone.
I’ve noticed that many people from India,Africa,the West Indies,and other English speaking areas have little trouble assimilating.
Sammy writes:
“a growing incidence of members of Congress being SHOUTED DOWN at town hall events by TEA PARTY PROTESTORS”
Just what is it that makes a “town meeting” event any holier than a Sunday appearance on Meet the Depressed?
Surely everyone realizes that these “town hall” events are completely stage managed, scripted and agenda driven. There was even a news story this week about one of the companies that produces the audience. Apparently they were overboard in insuring the audience was largely “minority”; this so that it would “look right” on TV.
I do not understand why so many Americans object to the idea that our country was intended to be a “raucous” democracy.
I have no difficulty with questions, or even heckling, which knock a politician off their “prepared statements”. Let’s find out if they can “think on their feet”.
Phil & OTL
Would you care to tell me when America was ever immigrant friendly?
Go not so far back in history and look at the laws New York and Boston passed to slow down legal immmigration. Study the actions of the “nativists” in the early 1800’s, or, short cut it by renting “Gangs of New York”.
With the exception f the Irish and Germans (who had no place to return to) large portions of American immigrants returned to their home countries, life here was hard for them. Although many published their own native language newspapers, they were not catered to as they are today.
It is probably not popular to say this, but I think the “milk bottle theory” that the cream rises worked better than the “melting pot”. Those that “couldn’t make it” left, those with drive, ambition and ability stayed and eventually prospered.
Warrington-faced with a choice of a “mosaic” or a “melting pot” I’d prefer the latter.A lot of little individual mutually suspicious communities doesn’t do much except create a Balkanized mentality.
The aim of immigration is for the first generation born here to identify as Americans.
OTL and Phil,like many other leftists use the word “immigrant” incorrectly and shy away from “illegal alien”which is the correct legal term,whether or not it offends their sensibilities.
I have zero sympathy for anyone who managed to find their way here and decided to just stay-they can find their way home if we make it nearly impossible for them to get jobs or any type of benefit-for Obama’s “Auntie”Zeituni to live in public housing while there are homeless Americaan families is obscene.Her political asylum claim was granted by an intimidated administrative law judge on no legitimate basis.
With the exemption of the manner in which the English settlers were treated by the Wampanoags I can think of very few instances of immigrants being welcomed except by employers who would hire them for less than their current workers were paid. Economic factors certainly contributed to the resentment towards the newly arrived but the base emotions of tribalism has always been the larger factor. I have answered your question. Please comment on the words of Rep. Trillo.
I found it interesting that the loudest applause from the ‘clowns’, mostly college age, came on two occasions when Rep Trillo stated that ” we need to enforce our laws “. Maybe the ‘clowns’ really didn’t know what they were protesting or maybe those that sent them didn’t bother to tell them. Sounds like ‘Indoctrination’ rather than ‘Education’ to me.
The “clowns” aren’t worth the bother to discuss,because if the Democrats lose one house of Congress the amnesty insanity and the “Dream” Act can rot on the shelf.
Note the name of the “Dream”Act-it’s supposed to make one feel guilty for destroying someone’s dream if they oppose it.Oh,well….boo hoo,I feel “so” guilty.
Here’s a question for the phonies supporting a state version of that law:
Why is it ok for a state to insinuate itself into the immigration issue when it comes to this in state tuition garbage,but not when it concerns e-Verify or ICE/police cooperation?
I’m not expecting an honest answer.
Maybe some more infantile “ejaculation”BS from OTL.
That was really a very intelligent answer,wasn’t it?
I recently visited Monteroduni, the home of my grandparents. It is in Molise province, the poorest province in Italy. The town, however, appears wealthy and the residents quite content with their lives. I met several people who worked in the USA for a while and then returned. They were well established and accomplished citizens. What I saw and observed puts a lie to your “milk bottle theory”. Take a trip to Rome, go South and slightly East and see for yourself. Incidentally red Phillies jackets were much in abundance as most of the towns people have relatives there. As a die-hard Phillies fan, I was pleased to observe the phenomenon.
Lighten up, relax and smile. “Life’s too important to be taken seriously”, Oscar Wilde
“Why is it ok for a state to insinuate itself into the immigration issue when it comes to this in state tuition garbage,but not when it concerns e-Verify or ICE/police cooperation?”
There’s a good point, Joe. In the eyes of some, it’s okay to involve yourself in a “federal” (of course, in reality, it is not just federal) matter to encourage or reward illegal immigration but not acceptable to act to discourage it.
I’ll right away grab your rss as I can’t find your email subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you’ve any? Please let me know so that I could subscribe. Thanks.