A protection against COVID so wild it just might work.

What sort of chemicals do they have in the water up in New Hampshire?

In a recent opinion piece for the LaCross Tribune, Frank Edelblut, commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education, posed what some vaccine-focused health officials on the COVID-19 front lines might call a radical idea: Why not work on getting healthy to fight COVID-19?

… He cited studies showing that COVID-19 patients with a range of comorbidities are more at risk for getting COVID-19, having a severe case of it, and even dying.

And most of the comorbidities are diseases directly connected with poor lifestyle choices, beginning with obesity, which he said is “the top health condition contributing to death with a 30 percent higher chance of death.”

Have you noticed that the state of RI thinks it’s important to track the sexual orientation of people who get COVID-19, but not, say, the prior health or comorbidities?  Making a certain body mass index an alternative to vaccination might be win-win.

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