Electric Boat has financial incentive to go Queer.

Well, look, Electric Boat relies hugely on government funding in Rhode Island and Washington, D.C.:

Nicoletta0602: Electric Boat is the largest RI employer & the largest submarine builder in the USA.

It just posted a 20 pg "Transitioning at EB Toolkit" allowing men in the women's bathroom & if u complain you'll be disciplined or discharged.

Radicals in the Democrat Party will hold a lack of such policies against Electric Boat, while even the most conservative Republicans who can possibly gain decisive power in government won’t hold it against them very strongly.  Barring discrimination lawsuits in our judiciary, which is increasingly intellectually captured, the economic incentives all point in one direction.

Conservatives frequently note this disparity in incentives, and it’s a genuine problem.  Imposing regulatory consequences on private companies for social policy we don’t like is not (and should not become) our thing.  That brings us back to two courses of action.

First, we have to concentrate on gaining the ability to reduce government’s ability to create these incentives in the first place by limiting its power and budgets and reviving Americans’ understanding of its appropriate limits.  Second, we can start laughing at people associated with companies like Electric Boat.  I mean, imagine catering to the gender cult for a buck.  Where is there integrity?

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